Bio-effects of Electrical Energy

Објавено: May 5, 2021

Course Title: Bio-effects of Electrical Energy

Code: ФЕИТ06001

ECTS points: 6 ECTS

Number of classes per week3+0+0+3

Lecturer:  Asst. Prof. Dr. Andrijana Kuhar

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Knowledge of basic bioeffects of electrical energy.

Subject of the course content: Effects of electromagnetic fields on human beings. Radiation effects. Risks of biological effects of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. Dielectric properties of biological tissues. Thermal and non-termal effects of electromagnetic fields on living organisms. Physical and chemical mechanisms of interaction between low frequency magnetic fields and living organisms. Direct impact of EM fields and generation of induced electric fields in the cells. Radio frequency standards, exposure, effects and dosimetry. Effects from transmission lines, substations, antennas of base stations and mobile phones on humans. SAR.


Required Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1. Riadh W. Y. Habash Bio effects and therapeutic applications of electromagnetic energy CRC Press 2008
2. Various authors Biological effects of magnetic and electromagnetic fields Proceedings of an international Symposium on Biological Effects of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields, held September 1993 in Fukuoka Japan 1993
3. Riadh W. Y. Habash Electromagnetic Fields and Radiation – Human bioeffects and safety Marcel Dekker 2002