
Објавено: October 12, 2018
  1.    Course Title English
  2.    Code 3ФЕИТ12З003
  3.    Study program EAOIE, EES, EEUM, KHIE, KSIAR, KTI, TKII
  4.    Organizer of the study program (unit, institute, department) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
  5.    Degree (first, second, third cycle) First cycle
  6.    Academic year/semester I/1   7.    Number of ECTS credits 3.00
  8.    Lecturer
  9.    Course Prerequisites
10.    Course Goals (acquired competencies):  The course is designed to equip the students for active use of English in academic          and  scientific registers.
          Take responsibility for personal results and shared responsibility for collective results.
Allow for professional approach to independent participation in specific scientific and interdisciplinary discussions.
Make pertinent assessments, taking into consideration personal, social, scientific and ethical aspects.
11.    Course Syllabus:
       a) Study-specific topical reading materials
b) Lexical, morphological and syntactic elements:
– Words: composition, derivation, type
– Nouns and noun phrases, international engineering terminology, polysemantic terminology (specific, idiomatic, metaphorical, etc.),              Greek and Latin roots
– Adjectives and adverbs
– Verbals: infinitive, participle, gerund
– Sentences: simple, compound, complex
c) Introduction to basics of academic writing: note-taking, paragraph writing, comparisons, cause and effect relationships, giving                      instructions, formal letters, applications, CV writing
d) Additional student activities:
– presentations of individual and group projects
12.    Learning methods:  
13.    Total number of course hours 2 + 1 + 0 + 0
14.    Distribution of course hours 90
15.    Forms of teaching 15.1. Lectures-theoretical teaching 30
15.2. Exercises (laboratory, practice classes), seminars, teamwork 15
16.    Other course activities 16.1. Projects, seminar papers
16.2. Individual tasks
16.3. Homework and self-learning
17.    Grading 17.1. Exams
17.2. Seminar work/project (presentation: written and oral)
17.3. Activity and participation
17.4. Final exam
18.    Grading criteria (points) up to 50 points     5 (five) (F)
from 51 to 60 points     6 (six) (E)
from 61 to 70 points     7 (seven) (D)
from 71 to 80 points     8 (eight) (C)
from 81 to 90 points     9 (nine) (B)
from 91 to 100 points   10 (ten) (A)
19.    Conditions for acquiring teacher’s signature and for taking final exam
20.    Forms of assessment In the planned exam sessions, a final written exam is taken (lasting 120 minutes). For students who have passed the final written exam, a final oral exam can also be scheduled (with duration up to 60 minutes). The final grade is formed based on the points from the final written exam, the tests, the homework and the project assignments and the final oral exam (if scheduled)
20.    Language Macedonian and English
21.    Method of monitoring of teaching quality
22.    Literature
22.1. Required Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year

22.2. Additional Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year