Power Plant and System Operation

Објавено: October 12, 2018
  1.    Course Title Power Plant & System Operation
  2.    Code 3ФЕИТ04Л003
  3.    Study program EEUM
  4.    Organizer of the study program (unit, institute, department) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
  5.    Degree (first, second, third cycle) First cycle
  6.    Academic year/semester III/6   7.    Number of ECTS credits 6.00
  8.    Lecturer Dr Sofija Nikolova-Poceva
  9.    Course Prerequisites

10.    Course Goals (acquired competencies):  Acquiring professional knowledge of the methodologies for calculation of various operation modes of hydro power plants and thermal power plants. Solving the problems of optimal operation of hydro power plants and thermal power plants.

11.    Course Syllabus: Functions and activities that are covered by operational planning, real-time control, analysis of the realized operation. Presentation of electric power consumption through a chronological load diagram and load duration curve. Energy-exploitation characteristics of different types of hydro power plants. Operating modes of hydro power plants in terms of hydrological conditions and reservoir possibilities. Solving of cascade connected hydro power plants. Generator and pump operation mode of reversible hydro power plants. Energy-exploitation characteristics of different types of thermal power plants, gas power plants and cogeneration power plants. Specification of the problem of engaging aggregates. Optimal operation of complex hydro-thermal system. Plans for maintenance of power plants. Provision of capacity reserves in the power system.

12.    Learning methods:  Lectures supported by presentations, interactive lectures, auditory exercises with solving practical examples.
13.    Total number of course hours 3 + 2 + 0 + 0
14.    Distribution of course hours 180
15.    Forms of teaching 15.1. Lectures-theoretical teaching 45
15.2. Exercises (laboratory, practice classes), seminars, teamwork 30
16.    Other course activities 16.1. Projects, seminar papers 30
16.2. Individual tasks 30
16.3. Homework and self-learning 45
17.    Grading 17.1. Exams 35
17.2. Seminar work/project (presentation: written and oral) 10
17.3. Activity and participation 5
17.4. Final exam 45
18.    Grading criteria (points) up to 50 points     5 (five) (F)
from 51 to 60 points     6 (six) (E)
from 61 to 70 points     7 (seven) (D)
from 71 to 80 points     8 (eight) (C)
from 81 to 90 points     9 (nine) (B)
from 91 to 100 points   10 (ten) (A)
19.    Conditions for acquiring teacher’s signature and for taking final exam Attendance at lectures and auditory exercises.
20.  Forms of assessment Through two partial written exams (duration of 2 hours each) or a final written exam on the whole teaching material (duration 2 hours). The points from the partial exams/final exam are included in the final grade.
It is not allowed to use books, scripts, manuscripts or notes of any kind, mobile phone, tablet or any other electronic device during the exam
21.    Language Macedonian and English
22.    Method of monitoring of teaching quality Internal evaluation and surveys.
23.    Literature
23.1. Required Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1 Jizhong Zhu Optimization of Power System Operation Wiley-IEEE Press 2009
23.2. Additional Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1 P. S. R. Murty  Operation and Control in Power Systems  BS Publications  2008