In 2015, world leaders have adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the aim to provide a roadmap for worldwide sustainable development. The ambitious targets of the Agenda 2030 encompass the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection, with the overall aim to tackle climate crisis, environmental deterioration, human rights violations, poverty and societal inequalities.
Motivated by the idea that anyone can act now to contribute to a future sustainable world, we have incorporated the SDG goals into the curriculum for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies. We believe that it is our responsibility to raise awareness among the students and wider community and to introduce sustainable practices in our working environment. The undergraduate study programs at our Faculty are related to eight of the 17 sustainable goals and to 16 targets. The contributions are mostly related to SDG 7- Affordable and Clean Energy.

SGD related to the undergraduate study programs – the presentation is made using the SDG Mapper, https://knowsdgs.jrc.ec.europa.eu/sdgmapper