In the period of 2009-2019, the Institute of Electroheat, Electrical Welding and Electrical Traction (IEEWET) resumes its activity in higher education and with the scientific and applied research in the following fields: electrical engineering, electroheat processes, electromagnetic compatibility and its influence on the surroundings, electrical welding, electrical traffic, cleaner production and energy efficiency.
Educational and scientific work is being performed within the frame of the Laboratory of Electrical Engineering. Over the past years, the Laboratory of Electroheat was no longer being used for educational and scientific purposes, and in 2018 its premises were granted to the Centre for Transfer of Technologies and Innovation – ‘INOFEIT’. The Laboratory of Electrical and Mechanical Drives, which was in the Institute for a short period of time, resumes with its activity within the frame of the Institute of Electrical Machines, Transformers and Apparatus (IEMTA).
Currently, the staff of the IEEWET is as follows: prof. Marija Kacarska, Ph.D. – Head, prof. Vesna Arnautovski – Toseva, Ph.D., prof. Snezana Cundeva, Ph.D., teaching assistant Blagoja Markovski, M.A., Senior Technical Associate Ljupco Karajanovski, M.A, Senior Technical Associate and demonstrator Vladimir Gjorgievski, M.A.

The history of the IEEWET dates back to the period when it was part of the Faculty of Technology in Skopje, because some of the study disciplines (Basics of Electrical Engineering – 1 and 2- as well as Electroheat, which were fostered at the Institute, were among the first study disciplines taught at the Faculty.
Co-founders of the educational, research and applied work of the Institute were as follows: prof. Ekaterina Cundeva – Galic, Ph. D. (in memoriam) and prof. Stojan Cundev, Ph.D. (in memoriam). Other staff of the IEEWET includes: academician prof. Leonid Grcev, PhD., prof. Panco Vrangalov, Ph.D., prof. Nikola Cekredzi, Ph.D., prof. Velimir Filipovski, Ph.D. (in memoriam), engineer Stojan Nikolovski, Senior Technical Associate, prof. Kosta Mitrski, Ph.D., prof. Slobodan Mirceski, Ph.D., associate prof. Andreja Naumoski, Ph.D. and Spase Petkoski, Ph.D.
Within the frame of the curriculum, professors and IEEWET collaborators cover subjects in the first cycle of study such as: Basics of Electrical Engineering and Basics of Electrical Circuits in the first year of study, but also subjects from the upper years of study like: Electrical Engineering, Automation and Renewable Sources of Energy- EEARSE.
In the second year of study, the IEEWET is primarily dealing with the following subjects: electromagnetic compatibility, numerical modeling of electromagnetic phenomena, energy efficiency as well as cleaner production and regulation within the frame of Energy Efficiency, Living Environment and Sustainable Development (EELESD) study program. In addition, the main object is to generate a generation of competitive experts who will be able to deal in the sphere of research, development, design and application of complex interdisciplinary projects in the field of the above-mentioned disciplines. At the same time, the professors are also engaged in the third cycle of study, where they are teaching Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.
Furthermore, the IEEWET has been permanently actively involved in publishing of different study materials, such as: study books, work books for numerical exercises, manuals for laboratory exercises, internal e-materials, etc.
Over the past ten years, the IEEWET members have been engaged in an intensive scientific and research activity by taking part at many national and international projects. Among the most significant projects financed by national institutions are as follows: ‘Electromagnetic Influence, Methods of Analysis and Protection’, L. Grcev, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA) (2010-2012); ‘Voltage Deep Immunity of Equipment and Installations’, S. Cundeva, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEEIT) (2011-2012); ‘Electromagnetic Phenomena in Layer Medium’, L. Grcev, Principal Researcher, (MASA) (2013-2015); ‘Electromagnetic Modelling of Transients in Complex Systems’ L. Grcev Pricipal Researcher, (MASA) (2016 – 2018); ‘Construction of E-card’, S. Cundeva, University of ‘Ss. Cyril and Methodius’ (USCM) (2015-2018).
IEEWET members have also acted as chiefs and managers of the following international projects: ‘MEns – Meeting of Energy Professional Skills”, М. Kacaroska, Horizon 2020, (2015 – 2017); ‘PV-ESTIA – Enhancing Storage Integration in Buildings with Photovoltaic’ М. Kacaroska, Interreg TNCP Balkan – Mediterranean 2014 – 2020, (2017 – 2019). ‘Wind Energy Technology Reconsideration to Enhance the Concept of Smart Cities’, S.Cundeva, COST Action TU1304 (2014 – 2018); „A Pan-European Network for Marine Renewable Energy’, S. Cundeva, COST Action CA17105 (2018 – 2011); ‘Modeling of Electromagnetic Transients and PLC Energy Services”, V. Аrnautovski – Toseva, FP7 Marie Curie Actions (2010 – 2012).
Scientific and research activity of IEEWET members in the period of 2009-2019 has resulted in publishing of 18 scientific papers in high impact international magazines, 15 papers in international magazines as well as 60 papers presented at significant national and international conferences. In addition, two significant papers have been published in: ‘Lightning Protection of Medium Voltage Networks’, Technical Brochure CIGRÉ and ‘Computer Field Models of Electromagnetic Devices’, IOS Press. Also , papers that have been published in impact factor journals are as follows: IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, ‘ International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering – COMPEL’, Automation. Other international magazines worth mentioning are as follows: ‘Facta Universitatis Series’, ‘Electrotechnica & Electronica’, ‘Electra’, ‘Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal’, ‘Scientific Journal Safety Engineering’, ‘Przeglad Elektrotechniczny’. Our members have also presented their papers at conferences organized by IEEE, and the following should be singled out: International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications (ISPLC), International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications (ICECom), International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), International Conference on Smart Tehcnologies (EUROCON), European Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe), International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC). There are also other international conferences worth mentioning, such as: International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER), Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (ПEC), International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ISEF), Advanced Electromagnetics Symposium (AES), European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Colloque International sur la Compatibilité ElectroMagnétique (CEM), European Conference on Electromagnetics (EUROEM), etc .
Many of the IEEWET members are also members of CIGRÉ North Macedonia within the frame of Study Committee C3 – Electrical Engineering Systems and Living Environment, as well as members of other IEEE international engineering associations.
The IEEWET has established an active co-operation with the local economy in the following areas: numerical calculations of electromagnetic fields of different resources and environments, measurement and impact analysis on the electromagnetic field, measurement of the most important parameters of the living and working environment with special review on non-ion emissions, regulation application for the living environment, cleaner production and energy efficiency, implementation of preventive strategies in the design and development of industrial production for the purpose of decrease of environmental pollution as well as rationalization of energy spending and raw materials.