The activity of the Institute of Electronics (IE) is divided into three basic scientific and teaching areas: electronics, theory of electrical engineering with digital signal processing, and electromagnetics. As contemporary developments in science lead to much greater liaison of different areas at the IE, its main task is to act as a point of contact between the different scientific areas that are fostered at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEEIT).
Namely, IE is primarily focused on the activity, power conversion and utilization of electric power as well as driving of electrical equipment. Also, the IE is deeply associated with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the areas of digital signal processing, specifically in the digital processing of images, video and audio, as well as the programming of embedded microcomputer systems.
The main goal of this Institute is to provide adequate education of future electrical engineering experts in the area of electronics. Also, the IE provides a curriculum for Computer Hardware Engineering and Electronics, thus training electrical engineers who are capable of facing up to the modern challenges of microelectronic technologies, embedded microcomputer systems and digital signal processing, all of which are part of our daily lives, as well as engineers with the necessary know-how of electronic equipment and devices with optimal power usage in line with the ecological demands of today.

Today, there are nine full professors, two associate professors, and one assistant professor actively engaged at the Institute of Electronics: prof. Dimitar Tashkovsi, Ph.D – Dean, prof. Zoran Ivanovski, Ph.D – Head, prof. Ololoska-Gagoska, Ph.D, prof. Josif Kjosev, Ph.D, associate prof. Tomislav Kartalov, Ph.D, associate prof. Branislav Gerazov, Ph.D, assistant prof. Andrijana Kuhar, Ph.D, Mario Makraduli M.A, Marija Markovska M.A. and Nikola Jovanovski M.A.
This Institute represents one of the main pillars at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies. Its roots date back to 1963, where within the framework of the Faculty of Technology both Chairs of Electronics and Theoretical Electronics were established. Later in 1965, a Laboratory of Electronics and Automation was founded under the Faculty of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (FEME). In the same year, the Statute of FEME envisaged a Department of Automation and Industrial Electronics within the auspices of the Electrical and Technology Unit. In addition, in 1972 the Department of Electrical Measurement was founded with a separate Laboratory of Electronics. In 1976, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering was created as a separate entity from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In addition, in 1978 the following subdivisions were established: Electronics, Telecommunications, Information Technology and Automation. Also, the Institute of Electronics was separated from the above-mentioned Chairs. In addition, Departments of Electronics, Telecommunications, Automation, Computer Technology and Information Technology were founded. Later on, these departments became Institutes within the auspices of FEEIT.
At the beginning, professors from Belgrade, Nish and Zagreb were engaged in the teaching process. Gradually, the Institute advanced its own staff: prof. Milcho Kocarev, Ph.D (in memoriam), prof. Momchilo Bogdanov, Ph.D, prof. Tomislav Dzhekov, Ph.D, prof. Sofia Bogdanova, Ph.D, Ljuben Janev, Ph.D (in memoriam), prof. Goce Arsov Ph.D, prof. Metodija Kamilovski, Ph.D, prof. Ljupcho Panovski, Ph.D, Dragan Nichota, M.A., associate professor Goce Shutinoski, Ph.D (in memoriam), Slobodan Jovanovski. Dragica Vasileska, Ph.D – a professor at ASU, Tempe, Arizona has also been engaged as an assistant at FEEIT, as well as Vladica Sark, PhD, and Vlado Kitanovski, M.A., Darko Cvetkovski, PhD, and Aleksandar Milchevski, M.A. who participated as assistants and demonstrators. The newest members of the IE are the demonstrators Aleksandra Zlatkova and Dean Petreski.
As of 2004, the IE proves undergraduate studies in the first cycle including: electronics, radio-technology and signal processing. Since 2012 a new, four year curriculum was established covering computer hardware engineering and electronics, which has been upgraded in 2017. In addition, the Institute provides a summer study program: ‘Design of Embedded Microcomputer Systems and Multimedia Technology’ as well as a one-month training program for students of electronics.
The IE offers five study programs in the second cycle of M.A. studies: Embedded Microcomputer Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Power Electronics, Multimedia Technology and Micro and Nanotechnologies. It also offers Ph.D studies of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. The IE traditionally organizes two Summer Schools at FEEIT – one on Embedded System Design, and one on Multimedia Technologies.
The IE has been actively engaged in scientific publishing with its significant contributions in the field both at the FEEIT and the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Recent work includes: K. Raleva co-author with D. Vasileska; A. Shaik and S.M. Goodnick: “Modeling Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices”, published by Morgan & Claypool, 2017. In 2017, Taylor & Francis Books have published ‘Handbook of Optoelectronic Device Modeling and Simulation”, co-authored by Raleva and А. Shaik, R. Hathwar, A. Laturia, S. S. Qazi, R. Daugherty, D.Vasileska and S. M. Goodnick, who wrote the chapter: ‘Monte Carlo Device Simulations’. In 2009, ‘Cutting Edge Nanotechnology’ was published by IN-TECH, where contributions were provided by: D.Vasilevska, K. Raleva, S. M. Goodnick in the chapter ‘Heating Effects in Nano-scale Devices’.
Members of IE are also actively engaged in a number of scientific and research activities in many international projects: Embedded System Design (2009 – 2010), NSF – ASU Modeling Heating Effects in Low – Power Multi – Gate SOI Devices and High – Power GaN HEMTs (2009 – 2012), SEE – ERA.NET, TVHAPQA – Algorithms for time – varying harmonic analysis for power quality assessment applicable on modern digital signal processors (2010 – 2012), ASU – IMEC Collaboration on Thermal Calculations and Planar Devices (2013), SCOPES Project on Skills Development for Researchers and Educational Personal in Nano and Microelectronics Curricula (2011 – 2014), SCOPES Project on Speech Prosody (2014 – 2016), MECA (Microelectronics Cloud Alliance) – Erasmus Project, (2016 – 2018), H2020 MSCA IF Proso Deep (2017 – 2019).
It should be noted that there are a number of research projects that have been realized with direct cooperation with international industry partners, including: Research in Super – Resolution, Texas Instruments Inc. (2012), Research in Speech Technologies, Retell Ltd. (2016 – 2017).
Papers by the staff of IE have been published in many international journals: IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Proceedings, IEEE Trans. on Industry Application, Intl. Journal of Electronics, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, ELECTRONICS, Facta Universitatis, Monte-Carlo Methods and Applications, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Journal of Computational Electronics, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Mathematics and Computers in Simulations, Intl. Journal of Signal Processing, Intl. Journal of Online Engineering, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Elsevier Speech Communication, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, etc.
The members of the Institute have attended a large number of international conferences in the past ten years, and the number of presented scientific papers is well above 200.
The members of the IE have created the program, participated in the Board and have organized the following conferences: EPE-PEMC 2010 , EUROCON 2017, as well as a series of conferences of the Association of Electronics, Telecommunications, Automation and Information Technology ETAI.
Members of the IE prof. G. Arsov and prof. L. Karadzhinov have been among the founders of the Macedonian Section of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics.
IE has also established a continued collaboration with local industry by taking part in many activities: examination of the electromagnetic compatibility and safety for the needs of a/b testing of electric devices; development of software and electronic devices – video toll control software for the needs of the Public Enterprise for State Roads of the Macedonia – PESRRNM (2015); development of an interface for guidance and management of peripheral devices for PESRRNM (2016-2017); automatic category management of vehicles at PESRRNM (2017); development of smart photovoltaic module for Torax and Interbaco co-financed by the Fund for Innovations and Technology Development of the Macedonia – FITD (2018-2020); development of conversion device for air pollution measurement also co-financed by FITD (2019).
In 2011, the team of professor Ј. Kosev received the second award at the fair ‘Innovation – Belgrade 2011’.