The Institute of Power Plants and Substations (IPPS) represents one of the founders of our Faculty. So far, the Institute has provided an exceptional contribution in the educational, scientific, research and applied activity both nationally and internationally. The specific scientific and professional interest of the Institute is within the following thematic area: Electricity Generation, Substations, Switchyards, Switchboards, Relay Protection, Design and Construction of Electric Power Facilities, Energy Efficiency and Environment, Control Engineering of Power Plants and Substations, Development of Software Tools for Power Plants, Energy and Economic Analysis and Project Management, as well. In addition, the educational and scientific pragmatic activity of the Institute is executed at the Laboratory of Relay Protection and Laboratory of Solar Power.
Currently, the staff at the Institute is as follows: prof. Anton Chaushevski, Ph.D.,(Head of the Institute), prof. Atanas Iliev, Ph.D, prof. Vangel Fustik, Ph.D, prof. Dimitar Dimitrov, Ph.D., prof. Nevenka Kiteva Rogleva, Ph.D., prof. Sofija Nikolova-Poceva, Ph.D., and demonstrators Natalija Petrova, MSc and Natasha Dimishkovska, MSc.

The IPPS has commenced its activity in 1959 within the Faculty of Engineering in Skopje, where courses on power plants and substations have been introduced at the curriculum for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Later in 1961, a Division of Power Engineering was established. In 1982, the Division evolved into a Department for Power Plants and Substations on the basis of which the current Institute of Power Plants and Substations has been launched in 1995.
In addition to the afore-mentioned staff, following professors and collaborators have been engaged at the Institute: prof. Dimitar Grcev, founder of the Institute (in memoriam), academician and professor Tome Bosevski, Ph.D., ( in memoriam), prof. Mito Zlatanoski, Ph.D., ( in memoriam), prof. Arsen Arsenov, Ph.D ., prof. Kiril Kocev, Ph.D., teaching assistant Nikola Popov, Ph.D. (now in Canada), teaching assistant Krste Mackovski ( in memoriam), teaching assistant Marjan Popov, Ph.D. ( now in the Netherlands), laboratory associate Dimitrija Dilevski ( in memoriam).
At its undergraduate academic program, the Institute provides stream study for the Electrical Engineering, Control and Management study group. In addition, IPPS professors are covering the following subjects: power plants, substations, relay protection, design of electric power facilities, exploitation of power plants, renewable sources of energy, control of power plants, grounding, professional risk and safety of power plants, computer modeling of power engineering, software tools in power engineering, project management, management and engineering economics, energy efficiency and environmental management, wind power plants, small hydro plants, nuclear power plants, cogeneration plants, etc. The Institute is also actively engaged at the post-graduate study program by covering the following streams: Power Engineering, Project Management, Risk Management, Renewable Sources of Energy and Energy Efficiency, Environment and Sustainable Development. Also, IPPS professors have developed a number of streams taught at the postgraduate Ph.D. program within the frame of the curricula on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of ‘Ss. Cyril and Methodius’ (USCM).
Over the past period, the IPPS has been continuously active with regards to the publishing educational tools for the students like: textbooks, assignment books, internal textbooks from lectures, manuals for laboratory exercises, etc.
Besides its educational activity, the IPPS is also committed to research and development (R&D). Consequently, the Institute has been engaged in a number of scientific and research activities over the past period. In addition, the following national scientific projects accomplished in the past ten years should be singled out: ‘Technical Assistance for the Regulatory Energy Commission of Macedonia’, (IPA / 2009 / 216 – 889), financed by the European Commission, (2009 – 2010); ’Design of Multi-End Solar Power Plant and Wind Power Plant’ financed by the USCM, (2012); ‘Risk Management of Power Engineering Objects in the Republic of Macedonia, (2017- 2018); ‘Development of Smart Photovoltaic Accumulation Module’, (2019 – 2021). International projects where the staff of IPPS has been engaged are as follows: ‘Promotion of Decentralized Energy Production from Renewable Energy Sources (EnerGain)’, (INTERREG – IPA CBC Program Bulgaria – Republic of Macedonia), (2016 – 2018); ‘PV – ESTIA – Enhancing Storage Integration in Buildings with Photovoltaic’, (INTERREG V – B Balkan – Mediterranean 2014 – 2020) (2017 – 2019); ‘Support for Solar PV and Wind PP Program (in Macedonia)’, ÅF Consult, EBRD (2018 – 2019).
The Institute’s affirmation is clearly demonstrated vie its publishing activity of scientific and research papers at many national and international conferences, magazines as well as consulting services/ activities. In addition, it has published well above 50 scientific papers in national and international magazines in the period of 2009 – 2019; well above 90 scientific papers at national conferences and more than 70 at international conferences. Some of the more important magazines where we have published our scientific paper are as follows: ‘IEEE Conferences’, ‘ELSEVIER’, ‘International Journal on Information Technologies and Security’,’ Journal of the Technical University – Sofia’, ‘Fundamental Sciences and Applications’, ‘ BgNS TRANSACTIONS’, ‘Energetika’ and ‘Presing’. IPPS members are active participants at national conferences such as: MAKO CIGRE, ETAI and ZEMAK. The Institute has also participated at the following international conferences: SAER, ICEST, InfoTech, GREDIT, Power – Ecology – Economy, Renewable Energy Sources, Control of Power Systems, SDEWES, PRONASEM, BALWOIS, GCREEDER, BgNS Conference, Nuclear Energy for New Europe, EMAN, MANAGEMENT, Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies.
IPPS members are active participants at many program and organizational boards at international and national conferences, such as: ZEMAK, МАКО СИГРЕ, ЗЕМАК, InfoTech, BgNS Conference, RES, PEE.
Furthermore, the Institute is also focused on applied activities. Thus, the members are actively engaged in a number of application projects and academic work and they have established a traditional co-operation with the economy and industries relevant in our domain. To this end, IPPS members have designed, provided and conducted a considerable number of feasibility studies, designing projects, major project, audits of projects, expertise, examination, research and expert opinion for major power engineering objects in the Republic of Macedonia. For the last ten years, the main engagement of our Institute is as follows: providing of feasibility study on electrification with hybrid photovoltaic system, EVN Macedonia, for the monastery complex ‘Sv. Preobrazenie’ in the vicinity of Krusevo in 2009; feasibility study on technical performance of photovoltaic power plants located in the regions of Gevgelija and Struga, Nova Energija Ltd. – Skopje in 2009; feasibility study on the technical performances of photovoltaic power plant with a capacity of 900 kWp located in the vicinity of Staro Lagovo village, Trust Consulting Ltd.- Skopje in 2009; feasibility study on the performance of photovoltaic power plant in the vicinity of Gneotino village, Torpedo –Mobil Ltd.- Bitola in 2009; feasibility study on the performance of photovoltaic power plant with capacity of 49 kW located at EKOEFEKT Ltd – Kocani in 2011; basic project for photovoltaic power plant Torpedo – Mobil in 2010; final design project; Photovoltaics Power plant Torpedo-Solar GT 993,6 Kw in 2012; a study on development of human resources for the needs of the ELEM Ltd company and its Headquarters in 2014; final project concept for human resources and education for infrastructure of the nuclear energy industry for the needs of ELELM Ltd company and its Headquarters in 2017.