The first Data-Processing Center was established more than 50 years ago i.e. in 1968, at what was then Faculty of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering when the first IBM 1130 Computing System was purchased. It was the first processor of this type in Macedonia and third of this kind in ex-Yugoslavia. The first Head of the Center was Professor Momcilo Bogdanov, Ph.D.
However, with the separation of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in 1982, a new Faculty Laboratory of Automatic Data- Processing (FLADP) was founded. It was at this time that the new processing machines from the IBM 4331 series were accommodated at the new premises. The Laboratory has upgraded the educational and scientific process at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Skopje and has created the preconditions for further improvement of the scientific and research activity in all segments of the Faculty. The first Head of FLADP was Professor Tome Bosevski, Ph.D.

During the coming period and following the latest technological advancement, the number of computer classrooms and newly opened positions has increased, and existing equipment has been upgraded.
A complete computer network connection has been available at the Faculty since 1992. Nowadays, the FLADP has a server hall with main servers and chief communications equipment, four classrooms for about 80 job positions, and a machine hall for about 10 job positions. It is equipped with appliances from renowned manufacturers and part of it has been upgraded continuously. In addition, there is a number of server machines (Fujitsu, Dell, HP & Sun), PCs, and communications equipment, as well as switches and routers like Cisco, Allied Telesyn, and Juniper. The equipment is used for server maintenance made available at the FLADP including:
· E-mailing system for employees and students;
· Hosting of Faculty web-site;
· E-learning;
· Data-sharing among Faculty employees;
· Developing of student’ class presence record provided by colleagues from the Institute for Computer Technology and Engineering;
· Equipping computer classrooms with graphic stations and partly with PCs.
In 2019, two computer classrooms were renovated at the FLADP. In addition, algorithms with greater processing power were introduced. Also, there are a number of operational systems (Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows with adequate applications), which are made available to both staff and students.
Furthermore, laboratory exercises are performed at the FLADP covering a significant number of undergraduate courses from all study programs (i.e. approximately forty subjects per semester). In addition, students from the graduate program are also using the FLADP for applied projects and scientific research.
During summer months, when there are no classes, students are provided with a traineeship at the FLADP, where they have the opportunity to gain practical know-how in the field of operations systems and computer networks.
The FLADP is also hosting the so-called ‘Hour of Code’ – an international event aimed at introducing students with computer programming and Information Technologies (IT). In addition, the FLADP resources are being used for both national and international scientific and research projects where the Faculty is participating, as well.
Regarding the FLADP maintenance, the following staff is engaged: Toni Mandzukovski, M.A.- system engineer, Vitomir Bogatinovski- computer operator, Risto Cavdarov- system engineer and Dimitar Krsteski part-time demonstrator.

The FLADP staff is responsible for the complete maintenance of Faculty computer networks, the existing servers, for creating new ones as well as for providing professional and technical support for all staff at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies ( FEEIT).