The beginning of the Laboratory of Computer Technologies and Engineering dates back to the time when the Institute was established as Laboratory of Computer Technologies and Engineering (LCTE). Following this period, once the Institute was established, laboratory activities in the field of Computer Technologies and Engineering (CTE) have been transferred at the Faculty Centre for Data Processing (FCDP). Due to the specifics fostered at the Institute for CTE and the recent developments, a new specialized laboratory has been activated in 2019 to deal with the educational, research and scientific activities.
The following activities are taking place at the CTE laboratory: laboratory exercises in the field of computer networks, Internet of things, computer and network security, hardware design, embedded systems, modern computer architectures, cluster systems, cloud systems, machine learning, algorithms for big data processing, etc. Furthermore, the knowledge that has been obtained during these exercises by the students has been applied in the design of practical projects in their course of studies. Except for Bachelor studies, the Laboratory of CTE also provides for execution of various activities including simulation, testing, examination and large-scale system and data processing within the Master and PhD studies of the CTE Institute.

Laboratory of CTE

Laboratory exercise at the Laboratory of CTE
With regards to hardware equipment, the Laboratory of CTE is equipped with the following: 10 work stations managed by an adequate server and software, complete hardware equipment for computer networks including: 10 VPN access routers, 10 Edge switch devices, 2 Stackable Gigabit switch devices, 2 Virtex-7 VC709 FPGA evaluation boards, 2 Virtex-5 ML505 FPGA evaluation boards, 14 complete RaspberryPi systems for embedded systems, a few Arduino systems, computer systems with Nvidia Titan XP graphic card for large-scale data processing, artificial intelligence (AI), machine and deep learning, etc.