The Laboratory of Electrical Measurements was established in 1959 within the frame of the Institute of Electrical Measurements and Materials and ever since it has developed extensively. It covers the three basic university activities: education, science and application. Since its foundation to this date the Head of the laboratory were the following professors: V. Jovevski, B. Handzinski, C. Gavrovski. M .Cundeva- Blajer, Lj. Arsov and Z. Kokolanski.
The Laboratory operates in parallel in the field of education, research and application. Within the educational area, the laboratory performs the following activities: provides laboratory exercises for the courses related to electrical measurement and instrumentation, preparation of undergraduate and graduate thesis, and scientific research. Also, it provides 24 working stations which are equipped with power supplies as well as with adequate equipment for laboratory exercises including measuring instruments for electromagnetic quantities, nonelectrical quantities, power systems instruments, and for computer-based measurement systems. It should be noted that it is used for laboratory exercises and different subjects by all students studying at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEEIT).
Furthermore, the Laboratory is used for scientific and research activities for national and international projects, and thus it has been equipped with contemporary, modern instruments. In the past ten years, the equipment has been modernized significantly via several international projects such as: “TEMPUS JEP CD 19010_2004, “Introduction of Two-tier Studies of Metrology“, and 158599 – TEMPUS -MK – TEMPUS – JPCR “Establishment of Third Cycle of Studying – Ph. D Studies on Metrology”. These projects have provided equipment that has modernized the teaching process itself in the first and second cycle of studies.
Within the frame of the project of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, the Laboratory has been provided with monitoring equipment for parameters in ecology and the working environment. The equipment for electrical measurements of the Laboratory consists of the following instruments: oscilloscopes, voltage sources, function generators, measurement bridges, power quality instruments, data acquisition cards, microcontroller development boards, different type of sensors, wireless sensor nodes, and other laboratory equipment and supplies.
Regarding to its applied activities, the Laboratory provides measurement of grounding systems, examination of electrical installations, measurement of insulation resistance, examination of static electricity, testing of low voltage devices and apparatuses, and other measurements required in the industry. Also, in the framework of the Inspection Body for Electrical Devices, the Laboratory has been equipped with installations and equipment in accordance with the international standard ISO / IEC EN 17020. The calibrations are performed in the accredited laboratory according the international standard ISO / IEC EN 17025.
Finally, the Laboratory of Electrical Measurements is also open for extra-curriculum activities for different student projects (including student’s workshops, research projects, preparation of undergraduate thesis with practical implementation), etc. The performance of the Laboratory may be illustrated with the following images: