The Laboratory of Relay protection was founded in the 1980s and it is operational within the frame of the Institute of Power Plants and Systems. Professor Mito Zlatanoski, Ph.D is the founder of this Laboratory, whereas the current Head is Professor Anton Chaushevski, Ph.D. The Laboratory as the rest at FEEIT has the accreditation in line with ISO/IEC17020 for activities related to relay protection for all systems.
In addition, the main focus of the Laboratory is its educational activity especially with regards to laboratory exercises for the subjects thought at the Institute of Power Plants and Systems (IPPS). Within the frame of the Laboratory, a classroom has been established providing exercises for students of all classes at the IPPS are on the module od Power System and Management, as well as for the students on the other study programs of the FEEIT.
Applied activities are additional ones at the Laboratory as cooperation with the companies in the country. It should be noted that adequate co-operation is established with other institutions and companies in the country, which is important for gaining additional experience and know-how. By means of its applied activity, the teaching staff with its activity is contributing to the needs of the economy in the country.
Furthermore, both the IPPS and the Laboratory for Relay protection provide their own contribution to many study disciplines at the undergraduate and graduate studies. In addition, classes are held as well as and audio and laboratory exercises for the following subjects at undergraduate studies: relay protection, application of digital protection, power systems operation, power plants, substations and switchgear, grounding systems, electrical safety and protection of electrical hazards and others, Embedded and protection measures, power production, software tools for power systems, exploitation of EE facilities, management of engineering economics as well as the design of electrical engineering facilities. With regards to graduate studies, classes are provided for the following study programmes: electrical engineering, project management as well as part for the renewable sources of energy. Also, the Laboratory of Relay Protection has adequate equipment used in the teaching process as well as for laboratory exercises for subjects taught at the IPPS. PC network is provided in the classroom and it is used for simulation and calculations needed in the teaching process but also for preparing the following: term papers, undergraduate and graduate thesis, and other scientific and research activity.
The equipment is also used for applied activity and examinations for relay protection. The Laboratory of Relay Protection is always there to assist and provide support to all scientific and research activities which are held at the IPPS. So far, the Laboratory has examined different types of relay protection of different manufacturers; it has established co-operation and has provided seminars and presentations of world-renowned and proven manufacturers such as ABB, SIEMENS, AREVA, ISKRA, EMO, etc. Members of the IPPS with their equipment have also participated in a number of surveys, major projects, revisions, inspections, etc. The Laboratory has measuring equipment and instruments, equipment for relay protection for more types of relay protection from the oldest to the latest models. In order to have quality measurements, the Laboratory has test kits of SVERKER 750 and SIR Nikola Tesla.
Within the frame of the Inspection Body, the Laboratory of Relay Protection has Implemented a few applied agreements in the past few years. Last but not least is the co-operation established with local companies such as OKTA Skopje, BEG-Skopje, ArcelorMittal Liberty Group, Usje TITAN Skopje, etc.

Figure 2. Test kit and protection devices