The Laboratory of Electronics was initially established as a Laboratory of Electronics and Automation in 1967 at the Faculty of Technology in Skopje. Today, the Laboratory is part of the Institute of Electronics, which is located within the adjacent premises at the Faulty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEEIT). Laboratory exercises within the frame of undergraduate curriculum programmes are executed at premises with 10 workstations ( for 20 students), which are thoroughly equipped with wireless electronic measuring devices, oscilloscope, function generator, multimeter, regulated source of supply and a PC that simulates electronic circuit behavior before their hardware realization. In addition, workstations for students are positioned optimally for work in teams, and the site is equipped with educational didactic means and presentation tools. Beside the existing real-time measuring equipment, every workstation is equipped with virtual measuring environment, recording and analyzing signals and phenomena resulting from the electronic circuits. The existence of a virtual measuring environment provides a great flexibility in creating of the laboratory exercises in a way that students are enabled to grasp the ideas in the curriculum.
However, the virtual environment is used as an addition, and not as a replacement of the classical measuring equipment. The students are exposed to both concepts, gaining an insight for the cons and pros in each of them.
The Laboratory is highly utilized in the courses of the curriculum at FEEIT. About 300 students on an average are using the Laboratory on yearly basis, whereas teaching stuff realizes about 500 classes with laboratory exercises. Laboratory exercises represent the key element in the educational process for the engineers-to-be and this is why they are an integral part of the courses in the curriculum of Computer Hardware Engineering and Electronics undergraduate programme. Also, the Laboratory as part of the Institute for Electronics organizes laboratory exercises for the rest of programmes at FEEIT. Practically every student enrolled at FEEIT has the possibility to use the Laboratory for Electronics at different stages of their study.
Besides the main room, the Laboratory also contains additional smaller premises used for different projects and development. It consists of 4 workstations (for 8 students) equipped with advanced equipment and instruments. It is here were students from advanced years of study prepare their workshops and projects, undergraduate and graduate thesis and are also asking for assistance from the staff of from the other students at more advanced years of study.
Also, the Laboratory is used for preparing of projects and development and it is completely equipped for scientific, research and applied activity in the field of electronics. Apart from the standard laboratory equipment mentioned above, the Laboratory also has sophisticated instruments used in advanced electronics, such as: logical analyzers, development boards for microcontrollers, ,dedicated microprocessors, PLD / FPGA devices, embedded mini computers (like Raspberry Pi), dedicated signal processing boards, etc.
The Laboratory of Electronics so far has established a successful co-operation with the local economy including: Seavus, Microsam, Loging Electronics, etc. They have assisted the Laboratory both financially and non-financially and have thus contributed to its progress and development.
Finally, within the frame of the Institute of Electronics, there is an additional acoustically framed office i.e. a speach studio. It has been established within the frame of the SCOPES Project on Speech Prosody (2014 – 2016). It is equipped with high-quality microphones, digital audio interfaces, monitoring loudspeakers and studio headphones.