The Research Center for Energy and Sustainable Development at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (RCESD – MASA) and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEEIT) have signed a memorandum of cooperation, expressing their commitment to mutual collaboration in the fields of energy and sustainable development, as well as other areas of common interest. The goal of this cooperation is to enhance their scientific research and applied activities. The memorandum was signed by prof. Zoran Hadzi-Velkov, corresponding member of MASA and Head of RCESD, and prof. Vladimir Atanasovski, Dean of FEEIT. The collaboration between MASA and FEEIT has already been at an exceptionally high level, but this memorandum paves the way for even deeper exchange and utilization of scientific and professional human resources, material and technical assets and spatial capacities available to both institutions. The signing of the memorandum was also part of the first so-called “laboratory” within the Horizon Europe project INITIATE, in which FEEIT is a key partner with significant support from MANU.