“Technology for You”: FEIT Graduates Compete in the Application of Microprocessor Systems

Последна измена: May 20, 2024

Students from ten technical high schools in North Macedonia competed yesterday at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEEIT) in the practical application of microprocessor systems’. The competition is part of the “Technology for You” project organized by FEEIT-FABLAB, Institute of Electronics, and Loging Elektronics. This project includes workshops where high school students present the projects they’ve worked on throughout the school year, while their professors attend training and lectures organized by FEEIT. The goal is to promote electrical engineering by providing technical and professional support to students and professors. The Institute of Electronics at FEEIT awarded the most successful students in the competition with scholarships for the module Computer Hardware Engineering and Electronics.

This year marks the fifth iteration of “Technology for You.” This tradition fosters connections between prospective students, the Faculty, and the business community while effectively promoting the conditions for studying at FEEIT. Professor Dr. Vladimir Atanasovski, the Dean of FEEIT, sees the event as an opportunity to motivate high school graduates to choose studies at FEEIT.

“Through the promotion of these activities, the Faculty showcases its laboratory capacities and possibilities for practical work to interested graduates. By participating in ‘Technology for You,’ young people familiarize themselves with the modern equipment in FEEIT FABLAB and practically, through an interdisciplinary approach, develop their ideas into prototypes. We have excellent cooperation with the economy, and through this collaboration, we practically integrate teaching, science, and its application in prototype development,” says Professor Dr. Vladimir Atanasovski.

Zlatko Krstevski, the director of Loging Elektronics, a partner in the project since its inception seven years ago, emphasizes that the project is open to new partners who wish to invest in the knowledge of high school students demonstrating significant understanding of technology.

“I believed in the students’ knowledge, knowing that mastering the technology, which has become easily available in recent years, wouldn’t be a problem. Previously available only at the faculty, this technology is now accessible in secondary schools as well. In collaboration with FEIT, we’ve supported teachers, and seven years later, we see students presenting projects ranging from smart cities to smart cars and buildings. The goal isn’t to retain these students here but to show them that conditions exist for them to realize their ideas for the benefit of all. Providing them access to equipment is our responsibility, and it’s up to the professors to engage them in exercises. We’ll see the results,” says Zlatko Krstevski, director of Loging Elektroniks.

For the competition team comprising Andrej Danevski and Matej Stojčeski from SETU at GS “Mihailo Pupin,” the competition opens new horizons for their future possibilities.

“The competition allows me to apply my skills and knowledge for entertainment and competition in a category with few opportunities in our country. It provided me with an early glimpse into student life on this campus and convinced me to seriously consider continuing my education at FEEIT,” said Matej Stojčeski.

Teams are working on developing prototypes for autonomous vehicles capable of independent movement and color recognition.

“The task within the competition is already familiar to us at our school, so from that perspective, we are prepared for FEEIT” adds Andrej.

FEEIT is the only faculty in the country accredited by Germany ASIIN accreditation for undergraduate studies and is among the leaders for the number of scientific research projects nationwide.