Мanagement of Multimedia Networks and Services

Објавено: April 27, 2021

Course Title: Мanagement of Multimedia Networks and Services

Code: ФЕИТ10009

ECTS points: 6 ЕКТС

Number of classes per week:3+0+0+3

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Borislav Popovski

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Upon finishing the course it is expected that the student will get familiar with the management of resources and services of multimedia networks, be capable of using various techniques and tools to improve their performance, and be prepared to perform scientific work in the area of multimedia networks and services.

Subject of the course content: Telecommunications Management Networks: concepts and tools. Telecommunications services management. SLA and QoS management. Radio Resource Management, mobility management in wireless networks. Cooperative coexistence of heterogeneous wireless networks. Mobile radio access network planning and optimization. IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) concepts and architecture. IMS procedures and protocols. IMS services. Media server concept analysis. Media server examples: flash, wowza, other. Live video adaptive streaming protocols (HLS, HDS, MPEG-DASH). Delivery of video, audio and RIA (rich Internet applications) over private and public IP networks to the end customer equipment: desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, IPTV/OTT set-top box, smart TV.


Required Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1. P. Latkoski, B. Popovski, book edited by Ali Eksim Wireless Communications and Networks – Recent Advances InTech – Open Access Publisher 2012
2. Mani Subramanian Network Management: Principles and Practices Prentice Hall 2012
3. Mikka Poikselka, Georg Mayer The IMS: IP Multimedia Concepts and Services, 3rd Edition John Wiley & Sons 2009
Additional Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1. Pero Latkoski, Borislav Popovski Communication Protocol Engineering of Wireless Networks: Modeling and Optimization, ISBN-13: 978-3639193428 VDM Verlag Dr. Müller 2009