
Објавено: April 28, 2021

Course Title: Nanonetworks

Code: ФЕИТ10011

ECTS points: 6 ЕКТС

Number of classes per week:3+0+0+3

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Atanasovski

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Upon finishing the course it is expected that the student will be able to understand molecular communications, nanoelectromagnetic communications and quantum communications. It is also expected that the student will understand basic principles of nanonetwork formation principles.

Subject of the course contentNanomachines. Development approaches of nanomachines. Expected characteristics. Cell signalling. Molecular transceivers. Architecture of nanomachines. Interconnection of nanomachines. Communication techniques among nanomachines based on nano-wired communication, wireless optical communications and molecular communications. Nanonetworks. Characteristics and components of nanonetworks. Types of nanonetworks. Comparison with traditional communication networks. Short-range (based on molecular motors) and long-range (based on feromons) nanonetworks. Information capacity of nanonetworks. Channel modeling for different types of nanonetworks. Protocols for nanonetworks. Applications for nanonetworks. Simulation tools for nanonetworks. Research challenges in the area (development of network components, molecular communication theory, novel architectures and protocols).


Required Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1. S. F. Bush Nanoscale Communication Networks (Nanoscale Science and Engineering) Artech House 2010
2. L. M. Surhone, M. T. Tennoe, S. F. Hennsonow Nanonetwork Betascript Publishing 2011
3. C. Huang Robust Computing with Nano-scale Devices: Progresses and Challenges (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering) Springer 2010