Next Generation Wireless Systems: Technologies, Applications and the Use of Machine Learning

Последна измена: March 31, 2021

Course: Next Generation Wireless Systems: Technologies, Applications and the Use of Machine Learning

Code: 3ФЕИТ10003

ECTS points: 6 ECTS

Number of classes per week: 3+0+0+3

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Venceslav Kafedjiski

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Upon completing the course, it is expected that the student will know the latest technologies of communication among multiple users and things, their applications in various economic sectors, as well as the use of machine learning in the next generation wireless systems, and to be capable of researching in the area of wireless communication systems.

Course Syllabus: Motivation for introducing the next generation wireless systems: video streaming, Machine to Machine (M2M) communication, cloud services, location services. Next generation systems architecture: Device centric and Device to Device (D2D) communication. Millimeter wave communication. Small cells. Content caching. M2M communication. Vehicle to everything (V2X) communication. Tactile internet. Connected virtual reality. Applications of next generation wireless systems in vertical economic sectors: factories of the future, transport, energy, city management, automotive industry, health, agriculture, media and entertainment. The use of methods and techniques of Data mining, Machine learning and Big Data in wireless communications. Big multimedia databases. Machine learning and deep learning. Big Data analytics. Data mining: from text to multimedia and machine data. Content modeling and personalization.   Sentiment analysis. Crowdsourcing and social media. Examples of machine learning in wireless systems. Proactive content caching. Anticipatory mobile systems: context based classification, prediction and optimization.


Required Literature







R. Vannithamby, S. Talwar Towards 5G: Applications, Requirements and Candidate Technologies Wiley 2017


B. Badic, C. Drewes, I. Karls, M. Mueck Rolling Out 5G: Use Cases, Applications, and Technology Solutions Apress 2016


A. Osseiran, J. F. Monserrat, P. Marsch (Editors) 5G Mobile and Wireless Communications Technology Cambridge University Press 2016