1. Course Title | Secure Communications | |||||||
2. Code | 4ФЕИТ10З026 | |||||||
3. Study program | ТКИИ | |||||||
4. Organizer of the study program (unit, institute, department) | Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies | |||||||
5. Degree (first, second, third cycle) | First cycle | |||||||
6. Academic year/semester | IV/7 | 7. Number of ECTS credits | 6 | |||||
8. Lecturer | D-r Aleksandar Risteski | |||||||
9. Course Prerequisites | Passed: Mathematics 2 | |||||||
10. Course Goals (acquired competencies): By passing the course, students will be theoretically and practically familiar with cryptographic techniques, algorithms and protocols (symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms, key exchange protocols, hash functions, digital signature algorithms, etc.) and will be able to apply them in various applications. Students will learn the concepts of network security and secure communications across different types of communication networks and systems and will be able to analyze and design them. | ||||||||
11. Course Syllabus: Introduction. Basic concepts for providing reliable communications. Basic notions of cryptography and cryptoanalysis. Types of security attacks. Classical symmetric encryption. Block encryption. DES. Modes of operation of block codes. AES. Security of symmetric algorithms. Asymmetric encryption. Public key algorithms. Diffie-Hellman, RSA. Elliptic curve cryptography. Information integrity and authentication. One-way (hash) functions. Digital signature. Digital certificate. PGP. Quantum cryptography. QKD. Application of quantum computers in cryptoanalysis. Basic concepts of network security. Basic security services. Security management. Assessment of security risks. Security mechanisms at OSI layers. IPsec. SSL, TLS. Virtual Private Networks (VPN) based on security mechanisms. Security mechanisms in: WiFi, WiMAX, mobile networks (GSM, UMTS, LTE and 5G), personal networks (Bluetooth, ZigBee). Security of cloud services. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS, IPS). | ||||||||
12. Learning methods: Lectures, tutorial and laboratory classes, individual student projects and seminar works. | ||||||||
13. Total number of course hours | 3 + 1 + 1 + 0 | |||||||
14. Distribution of course hours | 180 | |||||||
15. Forms of teaching | 15.1. Lectures-theoretical teaching | 45 | ||||||
15.2. Exercises (laboratory, practice classes), seminars, teamwork | 30 | |||||||
16. Other course activities | 16.1. Projects, seminar papers | 30 | ||||||
16.2. Individual tasks | 30 | |||||||
16.3. Homework and self-learning | 45 | |||||||
17. Grading | 17.1. Exams | 10 | ||||||
17.2. Seminar work/project (presentation: written and oral) | 20 | |||||||
17.3. Activity and participation | 0 | |||||||
17.4. Final exam | 70 | |||||||
18. Grading criteria (points) | up to 50 points | 5 (five) (F) | ||||||
from 51to 60 points | 6 (six) (E) | |||||||
from 61to 70 points | 7 (seven) (D) | |||||||
from 71to 80 points | 8 (eight) (C) | |||||||
from 81to 90 points | 9 (nine) (B) | |||||||
from 91to 100 points | 10 (ten) (A) | |||||||
19. Conditions for acquiring teacher’s signature and for taking final exam | Regular participation to lectures and tutorial classes and completion of all laboratory exercises. | |||||||
20. Forms of assessment | During the semester, two partial written exams are taken (at the middle and at the end of the semester, with a duration of up to 90 minutes) and tests, which are conducted during the classes. Alternatively, instead of taking one of the partial exams, a seminar paper or project assignment (team or individual) can be prepared. The final grade includes points from the partial exams, tests and from the seminar paper or project assignment, if completed. During the exam sessions, a written exam is taken (with a duration of up to 120 minutes) or one of the partial exams, if a seminar paper or project assignment has been prepared. The final grade includes points from the exam, tests and from the seminar paper or project assignment, if completed. A special instruction published before each exam regulates the manner of taking the exam and the use of teaching aids and electronic devices during the exam. |
21. Language | Macedonian and English | |||||||
22. Method of monitoring of teaching quality | Internal evaluation and polls. | |||||||
23. Literature | ||||||||
23.1. Required Literature | ||||||||
No. | Author | Title | Publisher | Year | ||||
1 | Aleksandar Risteski | Lecture notes | NULL | |||||
2 | W. Stallings | Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practices | Prentice Hall | 2011 | ||||
23.2. Additional Literature | ||||||||
No. | Author | Title | Publisher | Year | ||||
1 | Вилијам Сталингс | Криптографија и безбедност на мрежа (четврто издание) | NULL | |||||
2 | Симсонс Гарфинкел и Џин Спафорд | Безбедност и заштита на мрежниот сообраќај | NULL |