1. Course Title | Simulation Methods for Telecommunications | |||||||
2. Code | 4ФЕИТ10З027 | |||||||
3. Study program | ТКИИ | |||||||
4. Organizer of the study program (unit, institute, department) | Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies | |||||||
5. Degree (first, second, third cycle) | First cycle | |||||||
6. Academic year/semester | III/5 | 7. Number of ECTS credits | 6 | |||||
8. Lecturer | D-r Slavche Pejoski, D-r Zoran Hadji-Velkov | |||||||
9. Course Prerequisites | Passed: Mathematics 2 | |||||||
10. Course Goals (acquired competencies): Introduction to the application of random process theory in the analysis of telecommunication signals and systems. Introduction to theoretical methods and practical tools for modeling and simulation of telecommunication systems (physical layer). Ability to model and simulate basic blocks in a communication system. Ability to design and optimize a telecommunications system using computer simulation. | ||||||||
11. Course Syllabus: Basic methods for modeling and simulations in telecommunications. Sources of simulation errors. Representation and modeling of determined signals and linear systems. Modeling and simulation of time variant and nonlinear systems. Application of random variables and random processes in simulations. Computer generation of random process. Noise generators. Generation of correlated random series. Autoregressive models and prediction. Jules-Walker equations. Modeling and simulation of communication channels. Monte Carlo simulation. Rare event simulation. Estimation of simulation output data. Parameter point estimation. Confidence interval. Modeling and simulation of radio communication channels. Modeling and simulation of basic blocks in telecommunication systems. Algorithms for communication receivers. Optimization of telecommunication systems using computer simulation. | ||||||||
12. Learning methods: Lectures, auditory exercises, laboratory exercises, independent work, preparation of seminar papers | ||||||||
13. Total number of course hours | 3 + 1 + 1 + 0 | |||||||
14. Distribution of course hours | 180 | |||||||
15. Forms of teaching | 15.1. Lectures-theoretical teaching | 45 | ||||||
15.2. Exercises (laboratory, practice classes), seminars, teamwork | 30 | |||||||
16. Other course activities | 16.1. Projects, seminar papers | 20 | ||||||
16.2. Individual tasks | 20 | |||||||
16.3. Homework and self-learning | 65 | |||||||
17. Grading | 17.1. Exams | 0 | ||||||
17.2. Seminar work/project (presentation: written and oral) | 40 | |||||||
17.3. Activity and participation | 10 | |||||||
17.4. Final exam | 50 | |||||||
18. Grading criteria (points) | up to 50 points | 5 (five) (F) | ||||||
from 51to 60 points | 6 (six) (E) | |||||||
from 61to 70 points | 7 (seven) (D) | |||||||
from 71to 80 points | 8 (eight) (C) | |||||||
from 81to 90 points | 9 (nine) (B) | |||||||
from 91to 100 points | 10 (ten) (A) | |||||||
19. Conditions for acquiring teacher’s signature and for taking final exam | Completed laboratory exercises | |||||||
20. Forms of assessment | During the semester, two partial exams are foreseen (at the middle and at the end of the semester). During the semester, students can undertake to prepare seminar papers on their own. For students who have passed the partial exams, a final oral exam can be conducted. The final grade includes the points from the partial exams, the points from the seminar papers and the final oral exam.
Students who take one written exam instead of two partial exams can take it in the scheduled exam sessions. For students who have passed the written exam, a final oral exam can be conducted. The final grade includes the points from the written exam, the points from the seminar papers and the final oral exam. The use of books, scripts, manuscripts or notes of any kind is not allowed during the exam. The use of a calculator is allowed. |
21. Language | Macedonian and English | |||||||
22. Method of monitoring of teaching quality | Internal evaluation and surveys | |||||||
23. Literature | ||||||||
23.1. Required Literature | ||||||||
No. | Author | Title | Publisher | Year | ||||
1 | З. Хаџи-Велков | Симулациски методи во телекомуникации | интерна скрипта | NULL | ||||
2 | M. C. Jeruchim, P. Balaban, and K. S. Shanmugan | Simulation of Communication Systems, 2nd ed. | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 2002 | ||||
23.2. Additional Literature | ||||||||
No. | Author | Title | Publisher | Year | ||||
1 | Џон Г. Проакис | Современи комуникациски системи со употреба на MATLAB | Арс ЛАМИНА | 2016 |