Wireless Multimedia Networks

Објавено: April 27, 2021

Course Title: Wireless Multimedia Networks

Code: ФЕИТ10001

ECTS points: 6 ECTS

Number of classes per week:3+0+0+3

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski

Course Goals (acquired competencies): After completion of the course the student is expected to know how to apply deeper technical analysis of wireless multimedia networks. Further, the student is expected to know how to design multimedia wireless networks, to create protocols, services and applications for wireless multimedia networks, and to be able to deal with scientific-research work in the field of wireless multimedia networks.

Subject of the course content: Architectures of mobile multimedia networks. Analysis of mobile multimedia networks. Macro-mobility (Mobile IP). Micro-mobility. TCP/IP over wireless networks. MMS, EMS, IM (Instant Messaging) services, location-based and push services in mobile Internet. Real-time services over wireless multimedia networks: video/audio transmission, TV over wireless networks, video conferences. VoIP (Voice over IP) services over wireless multimedia networks. IPTV services over wireless multimedia networks. Content distribution. Performances of cellular multimedia networks (QoS – Quality of Service). KPI (Key Performance Indicators) in wireless multimedia networks. Signaling network architectures for wireless IP networks. ААА (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting) and security in wireless multimedia networks.


Required Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1. Toni Janevski Traffic Analysis and Design of Wireless IP Networks Artech House 2003
2. Toni Janevski NGN Architectures, Protocols, and Services John Wiley & Sons 2014
Additional Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1. IETF standards and documents Request For Comments (RFC) IETF
2. ITU standards and documents, 3GPP standards ITU recommendations, 3GPP recommendations ITU, 3GPP
3. IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Network, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Papers from IEEE journals IEEE