Physics of Game Development

Објавено: June 28, 2022
1. Course Title Physics of Game Development
2. Code 4ФЕИТ08З017
3. Study program КТИ
4. Organizer of the study program (unit, institute, department) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
5. Degree (first, second, third cycle) First cycle
6. Academic year/semester IV/7 7. Number of ECTS credits 6
8. Lecturer D-r Lihnida Stojanovska-Georgievska
9. Course Prerequisites Passed: Physics 1
10. Course Goals (acquired competencies): Applied knowledge of basic physical and mathematical concepts and their application in computer games to encourage new ideas for enriching the contents of games based on physical reality. Appropriate physical software will be used within the course to enable students to develop simple 2D and 3D games.
11. Course Syllabus: Computer games – definition, historical development, classification, current status and facts about games, characters and stages of development of computer games. Basic physical concepts for the development of computer games – kinematics in 2D and 3D, kinematics of a solid body, dynamics, dynamics of rotational motion, deformation of objects (elasticity, stress, compressibility). Physical game development software – Introduction to UNITY 3D software (basic software features, capabilities and interface layout), examples of collision dynamics, types of collisions, collision detection, object model and space division, resolution methods of the collision. Physical modeling – modeling an airplane flight, sailing a ship, moving a car, launching missiles and sports balls. Elements of digital physics – touch screens, 3D displays, sound effects, lighting and light effects, application of accelerometers, real-time games, geocaching
12. Learning methods: Lectures, presentations, numerical and laboratory exercises
13. Total number of course hours 2 + 2 + 1 + 0
14. Distribution of course hours 180
15. Forms of teaching 15.1. Lectures-theoretical teaching 30
15.2. Exercises (laboratory, practice classes), seminars, teamwork 45
16. Other course activities 16.1. Projects, seminar papers 45
16.2. Individual tasks 30
16.3. Homework and self-learning 30
17. Grading 17.1. Exams 10
17.2. Seminar work/project (presentation: written and oral) 40
17.3. Activity and participation 10
17.4. Final exam 40
18. Grading criteria (points) up to 50 points 5 (five) (F)
from 51to 60 points 6 (six) (E)
from 61to 70 points 7 (seven) (D)
from 71to 80 points 8 (eight) (C)
from 81to 90 points 9 (nine) (B)
from 91to 100 points 10 (ten) (A)
19. Conditions for acquiring teacher’s signature and for taking final exam Completed laboratory exercises
20. Forms of assessment During the semester, two partial written exams are provided (at the middle and at the end of the semester, lasting 60 minutes) and preparation of a project task in the UNITY software. For students who have passed the partial exams and successfully completed the project task, it is considered that the exam has been passed. The remaining students take the final exam on whole material (duration 60 minutes). The points from the partial exams / final exam and the prepared project are included in the final grade.
21. Language Macedonian and English
22. Method of monitoring of teaching quality Internal evaluation and surveys
23. Literature
23.1. Required Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1 K. Aava Rani Learning Unity Physics Packt Publishing 2014
2 David M. Bourg Physics for Game Developers O’Reilly Media, Inc. 2002
23.2. Additional Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1 Gino van den Bergen, ‎Dirk Gregorius Game Physics Pearls CRC Press 2010