Grid and Cloud Computing

Последна измена: December 5, 2019

Course: Grid and Cloud Computing


ECTS points: 6 ECTS

Number of classes per week: 3+0+0+3

LecturersProf. Dr. Aristotel Tentov, Asst. Prof. Dr. Danijela Efnusheva

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Acquiring knowledge of grid and cloud architectures. Acquiring knowledge of protocols and frameworks for grid and cloud systems.

Course Syllabus: Grid for Application Development, Grid Architecture. Networking infrastructure, protocols and quality of service,  Processing platforms, operating systems and network interfaces. Compilers, languages ​​and libraries for Grid. Grid allocation, resource management, resource brokers, resource reservation. Instrumentation and measurement, performance analysis and visualization, Security and accounting. Globus toolkit: the core of the system and appropriate tools such as Message Passing Interface Communication Library, Remote Input/Output, Communication Library. Legion and the corresponding software. Condor and Grid systems. Open Grid Service Architecture and data grid. Development of Grid Portal. Types of applications: geographically distributed, high bandwidth, on demand, collaborative and data-intensive supercomputing, supercomputing control, real-time access to distributed instrumentation systems.  Cloud computing: architecture, linking possible server platforms and massive calculations. Cloud Computing Standards. Open cloud computing applications. Private cloud. Network cloud. Cloud archiving. Cloud management. Application of a cloud to a data center. Energy saving and "green" data center and applications.


Required Literature







G. Reese "Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud" O’Reilly 2009


A. Abbas "Grid Computing: Practical Guide to Technology and Applications" John Wiley 2005


M. Li, M. Baker "The Grid: Core Technologies" John Wiley 2005