Energy Efficient Wireless Systems

Последна измена: March 30, 2021

Course: Energy Efficient Wireless Systems

Code: 3ФЕИТ10008

ECTS points: 6 ECTS

Number of classes per week: 3+0+0+3

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Zoran Hadji – Velkov

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Understanding the concepts of energy and spectral efficiency of the communications system. Ability to systematically design energy-autonomous  wireless systems and energy-efficient wireless systems.

Course Syllabus: Energy efficiency in ICT. Energy efficiency of the wireless system. Radio propagation and characterization of wireless channels. Sources of energy for autonomous devices (solar, wind, radio-frequency). Energy harvesting. Energy storage (batteries and supercapacitors). Wireless transfer of power and information. Remote charging of communication and sensor nodes. Wireless powered communication networks. Energy autonomous wireless systems. Design and optimization of energy efficient communication systems and networks.


Required Literature







K. Samdanis, P. Rost, A. Maeder, M. Meo, C. Verikoukis Green Communications: Principles, Concepts and Practice Wiley 2015


E. Hossain, V.K. Bhargava, G.P.Fettweis Green Radio Communication Networks Cambridge University Press 2012