Energy Policy and Security

Објавено: March 13, 2019

Course: Energy Policy and Security

Code: 3ФЕИТ02008

ECTS points: 6 ECTS

Number of classes per week: 3+0+0+3

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Goran Rafajlovski

Course Goals (acquired competencies): With finalizing this module student will gain more deep in knowledge about global energy security policy, different national strategies and and organizational structures worldwide. Student will be able to prepare self evaluation reports and analysis with scientific method  based assessment of the global energy policy and security and their impact on region cooperation.

Course Syllabus: The role of International renewable energy agency (IRENA) established by more than 100 States (Republic of Macedonia is participating) in the global energy politics. Main Tasks and aims of IRENA. Does  IRENA as a structure is going to cooperate with International Energy Agency (IEA), or will have different task and obligation. Energy security of the European Union (EU) and the role of the Balkan countries. Does Balkan play a key role in the competition between Russia from one side and USA and EU from the other side in the dominating the energy political influence in the region. Energy Cooperation between EU and South Eastern European (SEE) Countries.Treaty of Establishing the Energy Community in SEE. European Union and USA common strategy plan for global Energy security and sustainability. The role in the global energy politics of the Caucasus and Turkey. A New World Order and Turkey’s Multi-Level Re positioning. Turkey as an Emerging Regional Power with Global Ambitions. Harmonization of the energy regulation policy, strengthen the energy cooperation and trust between the partners in the region of the west Balkan in the field of electricity, gas and establishing a common integration politics for future fully integration in the European market.


Required Literature







Al Gore Earth in Balance Ecology and Human spirit Houghton Miftlin Co Boston 92


E.s Casedy, P.S. Grossman Introduction to Energy Cambridge University Press 98

Additional Literature







Daniel Yergin Energy Security and the remaking of the modern world Penquin 2012 2012


Goran Rafajlovski Energy policy of the EU the role of western balkan Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech-2014 2014