Applied Mathematics


STUDY PROGRAM: 13- Applied Mathematics

Duration: 1 year

ECTS points: 60 ECTS

Degree: Master of Science in Applied Mathematics

The second cycle of studies in applied mathematics with its educational content, forms and methods of teaching will enable acquisition of fundamental knowledge, abilities and skills in the field of applied mathematics.

With knowledge gained from the successfully completed second cycle of studies, the master will be able to work in research and development departments of companies in the technical industries, banks and insurance companies. The master can make consulting in these companies, propose and implement innovative solutions in the technological process, which would reduce the risk of operation and increase the revenues of the company.

This study program creates staff which is recognized as fundamentally important for the successful development of the companies. The masters in applied mathematics can contribute to the scientific-research and teaching work of the universities, scientific institutes and research centers, and successfully continue studying at the third cycle of studies.

Mandatory courses
Code Title ECTS No of classes per week Total necessary time (hour)
Elective course 1 6 3+0+0+3 180
Elective course 2 6 3+0+0+3 180
Elective course 3 6 3+0+0+3 180
Elective course 4 6 3+0+0+3 180
Elective course 5 6 3+0+0+3 180
Total 30 15+0+0+15 900
Elective courses
Code Title ECTS No of classes per week Total necessary time (hour)
Elective courses List A
3ФЕИТ08004 Discrete Mathematics 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08005 Differential Equations 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08010 Linear Algebra 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08020 Numerical Methods 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08023 Selected Topics of Analysis 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08029 Statistics 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08031 Probability Theory 6 3+0+0+3 180
Elective courses List B
3ФЕИТ08002 Geometric Modeling 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08003 Dynamical Systems 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08006 Integral Transforms and their Application 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08008 Complex Networks 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08009 Convex Optimization with Applications 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08011 Linear Statistical Models 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08016 Modelling with Random Processes 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08019 Numerical Linear Algebra 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08021 Numerical Methods in Stochastic Processes 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08025 Applied Algebra 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08027 Monte-Carlo Simulations 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08028 Stochastic Processes 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08030 Stochastic Differential Equations 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08035 Financial Mathematics 6 3+0+0+3 180

Mandatory courses
Code Title ECTS No of classes per week/    Total             necessary time (hour)
3ФЕИТ00 Master thesis 20 0+0+0+20                                    600
Elective courses
3ФЕИТ13 Research project in the field of Applied Mathematics 6 0+0+0+6 180
3ФЕИТ08015 Research methods and writting techniques 4 2+0+0+2 120
Elective course from the UKIM list of available courses 4 2+0+0+2 120
Total 34 4+0+0+30 1020