FEEIT Alumni Association (AA) was founded in June 2009 and has well above 3000 members. FEEIT AA is an association of citizens and graduated students at FEEIT, where they are gathered on voluntary and equal basis for the purpose of attaining their common goals, protection, and improving the work and activity of its members, the main activity of which is establishment, attainment, development as well as promotion of social, cultural, scientific, expert, technical, humanitarian, educational and building of friendly relationships among FEEIT graduated students and citizens interested in upgrading their education.


As of November 2019, FEEIT Initiative Team came up with the idea to reactivate FEEIT ALUMNI every last Thursday of the month, and ever since meetings are being organized at Faculty’s premises. However, due to the latest developments with the current virus situation, they are being held on-line since March. This is where different kinds of discussions take place, followed by social Thursdays entitled: SOCIALIZING. So far, 35 of them have been held covering the following topics:
