The Institute of Electrical Measurements and Materials (IEMEM) realizes activities of higher education and scientific and applicative work, with main points of interest as follows: electrical engineering measurements, electrical materials, metrology, measuring instruments as well as quality management.
Currently, its staff is as follows: prof. Marija Cundeva – Blajer, Ph.D.Head, prof. Vladimir Dimchev, Ph.D, associate prof. Zivko Kokolanski, Ph.D., assistant prof. Mare Srbinovska Ph.D., and demonstrator Kiril Demerdziev, M.A.
The IEMEM was established in 1959 as a Chair for Electrical Measurements at the Department for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty for Technology in Skopje. Its founder was professor Vitomir Joveveski (in memoriam). Over the past period, other professors and collaborators have provided significant contributions in the scientific, research and applied filed at the Institute and they are as follows: prof. Blagoja Handzinski, Ph.D., prof. Cvetan Gavrovski, PhD., prof. Ljupco Arsov, Ph.D. as well as engineer Ljubisav Glishic, Senior Technical Associate.

IEMEM covers subjects from the first cycle of studies, such as: electrical measurements, a few mandatory subjects from the first and second year of studies, as well as specialized, optional subjects from the upper years of study.
In the second cycle of studies (M. Sc. Studies), the IEMEM provides the study program of Metrology and Quality Management, covering areas such as: legal and industrial Metrology, measurement uncertainty, computational measurement systems, sensors and convertors and other subject related to metrology.
In the period 2010 – 2013, the IEMEM implemented the EU Project 158599-TEMPUS-MK-TEMPUS-JPCR: ‘Establishing of Third Cycle of Studies–Doctoral studies in Metrology’. Within its frame and by support of eleven renowned European universities, interdisciplinary studies were established i.e. tertiary education with Ph.D. studies. In addition, the Ph.D. study program in Metrology was accredited for the first time in 2013, and it was reaccredited later in 2016. Hence, this Institute provides a curriculum that encompasses most recent science challenges in contemporary Metrology.
Also, the IEMEM has been permanently actively involved in publishing of different study materials, such as: study books, work books for numerical exercises, manuals for laboratory exercises, internal e-materials, etc.
Over the past ten years, the IEMEM has been heavily involved in scientific and research activities through participation at both national and international projects. The most important ones financed on the part of national and international institutions are as follows: ‘Key Comparison of Power COOMET.EM.- K5’, COOMET project No. 695/UA/16, where a key inter-laboratory comparison with 13 participating national metrology institutes was conducted(2016-2018); ‘Enhancement of the Laboratories’ Capacities of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and IT for Scientific and Research Activities, Accreditation and Promotion for Industrial Cooperation’ –project financed by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in Skopje (FEEIT) (2014-2015); ‘Creation of the Third Cycle Studies – Doctoral Studies in Metrology’, EU TEMPUS IV Joint Multi – country Project (2010 – 2013); ‘Establishing of a Wind Data Base in the Republic of North Macedonia“ – financed by the World Bank as part of the ‘Sustainable Energy Project – GEF Trust Fund’ (2012 – 2016); ‘Wavelet Based Methods for Power Quality Disturbances Analysis16 – 2086/1’ – a bilateral scientific and research project realized in co-operation with Graz University of Technology, Austria (2011 – 2013).
Scientific and research activities of the IEMEM members in the period of 2009-2018 have resulted in many scientific papers, which have been published in international and national scientific journals, and they have been presented at national and international conferences.
The Institute has established an active cooperation with the local and regional economy since its foundation. However, it has been intensified in the past ten years via the accreditation of the Inspection body for electrical devices, installations and equipment, which was established at the Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEEIT) in 2013 in accordance with ISO/IEC EN 17020. In addition, the Institute has enhanced its role in the national metrology infrastructure, with the accreditation of the Laboratory for Electrical Measurements in 2015 in compliance with ISO / IEC EN 17025 as a calibration laboratory for measuring devices for electromagnetic quantities.
IEMEM’s applied activities include inspections, study projects as well as specific measuring and calibration activities for the needs of the industry. Within the frame of the Inspection Body of the Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, the Institute is responsible for inspection of electrical installation, lightning protection and grounding of power systems with nominal voltage above 1000 V, first, periodical and non-periodical control of functional and technical features of fiscal systems, measuring of power quality, etc. Measurement of electrical quantities and calibration of measuring devices is also being performed in this Institute.
Applied activities of the IEMEM encompasses an intensive co-operation with some of the most significant companies in the electrical engineering field, mining industry, other international corporations in the industrial zones, such as: Gentherm, Kostal, ARC Automotive, Aptive Services Macedonia and companies in the region: KEDS- Kosovo, HTT and 3G – Albania.
IEMEM members have also established significant collaboration with public institutions in the Republic of North Macedonia, which widely support the quality of the national infrastructure, such as: the Bureau for Metrology, the Institute of Accreditation of the R.N. Macedonia, the Institute of Standardization and other similar conformity assessment bodies (calibration and testing laboratories, inspection bodies, certifying bodies), etc.
As of 9 April 2014, the IEMEM has established a so-called ‘LabView Certified Academy’, which provides certified training and testing in cooperation with National InstrumentsTM. So far, a significant number of students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies have obtained LabView CLAD certificates.