Within the frame of education, research and application activities of the Institute of Mathematics and Physics (IMP), the two fundamental areas are: mathematics and physics and their application in new technologies. Considering the fact that these two areas represent the basis in engineering, it is understandable that the activity of the Institute has common points with other areas fostered at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEEIT).
IMP staff is included in education in almost all studies in the three cycles at FEEIT. The professors enrolled are the following: prof. Hrsitina Spasevska, Ph.D.- Head of IMP, prof. Verka Georgieva, Ph.D., prof. Aneta Buckovska Ph.D., prof. Margarita Ginovska, Ph.D., prof. Sonja Gegovska-Zajkova, Ph.D., prof. Biljana Jolevska-Tuneska, Ph.D., prof. Katerina Hadzi-Velkova Saneva, PhD., prof. Biljana Nacevska-Nastovska, Ph.D., associate prof. Lihnida Stojanovska-Georgievska, Ph.D., associate prof. Vesna Andova, Ph.D., assistant prof. Sanja Atanasova, PhD., assistant. Ivana Sandeva, M.A., and demonstrators: Jasmina Angelevska Kostadinovska, M.A. and Aleksandar Krleski, M.A.

Assistant prof. S. Atanasova, Ph.D., associate prof. V. Andova, Ph.D., associate prof. L. Stojanovska-Georgievska, Ph.D., prof. B. Nacevska-Nastovska, Ph.D., A. Krleski M.A., prof. K. Hadzi-Velkova Saneva, Ph.D., I. Sandeva, M.A., J. Angelevska Kostadinovska, M.A., (standing left to right)
Prof. M. Ginovska, Ph.D., prof. S. Gegovska-Zajkova, Ph.D., prof. V. Georgieva, Ph.D., prof. H. Spasevska, PH. D., prof. A. Buckovska , Ph.D. (sitting left to right)
Initially, the IMP started off as a Chair for Mathematics at the Faculty of Technical sciences in Skopje. In the academic 1959/60, a Laboratory for Physics was established in parallel with the opening of the Departments for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Departments of Technology with for Metallurgy. Following the foundation of the Faculty of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering in 1965, the Chair for Mathematics evolved into a Chair for Mathematics and Physics. With the establishment of the University Centre for Mathematics and Technical Science (UCMTS) in 1977, members of the Chair got involved at the Faculty of Mathematics and the Faculty of Physics. However, in 1985 the UCMTS ceased to exist, and the Institute of Mathematics and Physics was established within the frame of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Technology, which included the staff from the afore-mentioned Chair.
Professors, collaborators and technical associates who were enrolled at the IMP during their whole career are the following: prof. Ilija Sapkarev, Ph.D., (in memoriam), prof. Mihail Tolev, Ph.D., (in memoriam), prof. Dimitar Kacurkov, Ph.D., (in memoriam), prof. Nikola Reckovski, Ph.D., (in memoriam), prof. Petar Lazov, Ph.D., prof. Marija Kujumdzieva- Nikoloska, Ph.D., prof. Boro Piperevski, Ph.D., as well as senior technical associates Blagoja Bogatinoski and Slobodan Stojanoski.
Throughout the years, other professors and collaborators have also been included in the educational process, and their names are as follows: academician Gjorgji Cupona, Ph.D, (in memoriam), associate prof. Viktor Janekovski, Ph.D., (in memoriam), prof. Naum Celakoski, Ph.D., prof. Branko Trpenovski, Ph.D., (in memoriam), prof. Novak Ivanovski, Ph.D., prof. Pano Krzovski Ph.D., (in memoriam), prof. Vasil Micevski, Ph.D., prof. Marija Fukarova- Jurukovska, Ph.D., prof. Lazo Dimov, Ph.D., prof. Kuzman Adzievski, Ph.D., prof. Zivorad Tomovski, Goran Trajkovski, Ph. D., Ph.D., associate prof. Lasko Basnarkov, Ph.D., associate prof. Elena Hazdzieva, Ph.D., teaching assistant Mile Tasic, Ph.D., and demonstrators Tanja Ivanovska and Tome Eftimov, Ph.D.
Furthermore, the professors and collaborators at the IMP are actively involved in the curriculum from the first and second cycle of study with 5 mandatory and 13 elective subjects at the first cycle, they teach 38 subjects at the second cycle, as well as 17 subjects from the third cycle of study. The study program involves the following disciplines: mathematical and functional analysis, algebra, linear algebra, analytical geometry, ordinary, partial and stochastic differential equations, complex analysis, discrete mathematics, numerical analysis, probability and statistics, dynamical systems, convex optimization, stochastic processes, classical and modern physics, engineering mechanics, electro-optics, radiation physics with dosimetry, physical methods for testing of materials, renewable energy sources, physics of computer games, nanomaterials and nanotechnology, innovation and transfer of technologies.
The IMP is the upholder of a study program: Applied mathematics, in the second cycle of study at the Faculty. Also, IMP professors are enrolled in a few other study programs at the second cycle at FEEIT.
The staff of the IMP is included in the educational process at other faculties at ‘Ss. Cyril and Methodius’ University (USCM), such as: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, including other institutions in higher-education, such as: Military Academy, ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ University in Bitola, as well as ‘Goce Delcev’ University in Stip.
Within the frame of the third cycle of study at the USCM, professors from IMP are involved in the curriculum of three study programs: Electrical and Technical Engineering and IT, Metrology and Mathematical Sciences and their application, by covering following areas: theory of distributions, numerical analysis, dynamical systems and chaos theory, graph theory, statistics, stochastic processes, photovoltaic technologies, nondestructive techniques for material characterization, nanomaterials, nanotechnology and nanometrology, quality control of experimental research, methodology of scientific research in the field of engineering sciences.
In the past ten years, professors from the Institute have mentored 33 M.A. and 3 Ph.D. theses. In addition, together with their collaborators, they have co-authored 3 textbooks, 6 problem books, 7 workbooks, as well as З instruction books for laboratory exercises for the students at the first cycle of study, which have been published by FEEIT or the USCM.
The research areas of the IMP are: theory of distributions, numerical analysis, dynamical systems and chaos theory, graph theory, statistics, stochastic processes, new materials and technologies, thin films for solar cells, characterization of nanomaterials and nanostructures with optical, electrical, electro-optical methods, luminescent techniques for detection of irradiated food, dating and dosimetry. In the past ten years, IMP members have authored 173 scientific papers out of which 52 have been published in journals with impact factor, 49 in international journals, as well as 72 scientific papers published in proceedings of international conferences. Our members were also coordinators or partners in many scientific, research developmental and applicative projects financed by international programs, such as: FP7, HORIZON 2020, COST, EUREKA, IPA Cross Border, International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA, Central European Initiative – CEI, World Bank, as well as the Ministry for Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia.
In addition to the afore-mentioned projects, there are also a few other international projects that have been implemented within the framework of the IMP, and they are as follows: Promoting ICT Cooperation Opportunities and Policy Dialogue with the Western Balkan Countries _ICT_WEB_PROMS, BUILD UP Skills MK, Builder’s Energy Efficiency Training – BUILD UP Skills BEET as well as Toward Market-Based Skills for Sustainable Energy Efficient Construction which has been financed by the European Commission in the following programs: HORIZONT 2020 I FP7, Assessing and Enabling the Implementation of Food Irradiation Technologies, Using Advanced Radiation Technologies for Materials Processing, Training and Education in Nuclear Physics and Applications, Supporting Preparation Activities for Decision Making for a New Nuclear Energy Program and Preparation Activities for Making a Decision on Entering into New Nuclear Energy Program in Macedonia – Phase 1, Part II, financed by the International Agency for Atomic Energy – IAEA.
Furthermore, the IMP has established fruitful collaboration with the companies and other institutions by using its own laboratories for the purpose of testing and characterization of materials and thin-film solar cells, as well as materials and food treated with ionizing radiation. It is providing consulting services to both companies and institutions, and it is also engaged in common applicative and developmental projects. In addition, more applicative projects have been running in the past ten years resulting from the IMP cooperation with the economy sector, which have been financed by companies, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.
In the last ten years, following IMP members have received prestigious awards: prof. B. Jolevska-Tuneska, Ph.D., state award for science ‘Goce Delcev’ (2014), prof. K. Hadzi-Velkova–Saneva, Ph.D., award for lifetime membership at ‘International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation – ISAAC’ (2018).