The Laboratory of Electrical Machines, Transformers and Apparatuses (LEMTA) operates within the frame of the Institute of Electrical Machines, Transformers and Apparatuses. It is the first Laboratory at the Faculty, which was initially established as Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at the Technical Faculty. Since its establishment, the first equipment which was on disposal was modest and it included direct current machines, a few transformers as well as a few induction machines. Later, the Laboratory was equipped with synchronous machines and two dynamometers for measuring the torque of electrical machines. In 1970s two motor-generator groups were purchased, out of which one of them is a universal machine with a few different rotor topologies and their application provides different types of commutator, synchronous and induction machines. Thus, in the 1970s and 1980s, LEMTA represented one of the most well equipped and most contemporary laboratories at FEEIT.
Within the frame of the TEMPUS Project a laboratory testing equipment has been provided in 2005. Also, the Laboratory has been thoroughly renovated with new computerized test beds for testing of small and special electric machines produced by TQ from the UK and Lab-Volt from Canada. The equipment consists of: regulated power supplies for DC voltage, and single and three phase AC voltage, as well as: DC motor/generator, synchronous motor/generator, three-phase squirrel cage induction motor, universal motor, single-phase capacitor-start and capacitor-run induction motor, single-phase shaded pole induction motor, reluctance motor selsyns, stepper motor, linear induction motor, rectifier, power inverter and other electrical machines.
Оver the past few years, a process of modernization has commenced for most of the laboratory equipment as well as purchase of a new equipment, where renewable energy sources (RSE) and energy efficiency are in primary focus. With the modularity of the new digital instruments for testing, which are compatible with the existing applied standards at technical universities in Europe, it is ensured that the educational process in this Laboratory, follows the trend in technical laboratories across Europe. With the process of modernization of the Laboratory, security at work has been enhanced and interaction is provided between the applied simulation software packages and the experimental procedures.
Furthermore, LEMTA is the place where the three primary activities of the University and Faculty are realized, and those are: educational, scientific and applied activities.
In the educational process, the Laboratory fosters disciplines related to electrical machines, transformers and apparatuses. In addition, laboratory exercises are performed for all subjects covering electrical machines, transformers and apparatuses as well as those in the field of Power Converters and renewable energy sources.
Aside of the measuring equipment used in the teaching process, LEMTA has modern instruments used in the scientific and applied activities covering electrical machines, transformers, apparatuses, Power Converters, and renewable energy sources.
In addition, the following Professors have been the Heads of the LEMTA so far: Stanimir Jovanovski (in memoriam), Dionis Manov (in memoriam), Damjan Hristovski (in memoriam), Lidija Petkovska, Goga Cvetkovski, and Goran Rafajlovski. Currently, the Head of the Laboratory is Professor Krste Najdenkoski. Ph.D.

Autonomous wind generator system intended for testing in the field of RES

Measuring equipment for testing in the field of electrical machines, transformers and apparatuses

Electrical vehicle- karting