The Laboratory of Wireless and Mobile Networks (LWMN) was established back in 2007 under the leadership of Professor L. Gavrilovska Ph.D and it represents a research base of the WIN research Group ( Wireless Networking Group; The LWMN is equipped solely by funding provided by research projects (EU, NATO, bilateral, and the Macedonian Telecom). Ever since its foundation over the last ten years, the Laboratory has become renowned internationally, in the field of wireless networks. Currently the laboratory is managed by Ass. Professor Valentin Rakovic.

In addition, the equipment of the Laboratory is as follows: hardware ( three Dell T640 servers, one Dell T620 server, Full 10GbE LAN, USRP-a x310 and USRP-a 210 for diverse applications related to cognitive radio and Virtual-RAN, two QualiPoc provided SAMSUNG S9 mobile phones, a few WLAN and WLAN sub-systems, RFID TagSense, Libelium Waspmotes combined with different Ambiental sensors suitable for outdoor monitoring, NFC tags and readers, TI eZ430-RF2500 sesnor nodes, SunSPOT sensor nodes, Microsoft Kinect camera for visual processing), software platform (AMARIsoft, QualNET, etc.), as well as a measurement equipment (High precision spectrum analyzer Rodhe&Schwarz FSW8, two handheld spectrum analyzers Rodhe&Schwarz FSH8, Signal Analyzer Anritsu MS2690A with inbuild vector analyzer, small handheld spectrum analyzer, several discone and biconical antennas .
The Laboratory is equipped with high-end equipment specifically designed for evaluating and prototyping of wireless demo platforms, modeling and QoS evaluation of services in wireless networks, spectrum measuring as well as sensor monitoring.
Furthermore, the equipment fosters participation at international and national measurement campaigns as well as the development of commercial products (e.g. Smart Wine for the Macedonian Telecom). Also, the Laboratory has been accredited for ‘Radio Device and Spectrum compliance’ and ‘Radio Spectrum Measurements’. It should be noted that several international visitors have visited the Laboratory on a few occasions and have worked with the underlying systems. Last but not least, the Laboratory and WIN Group members have been awarded several prestigious international and national awards.