Completed international projects

Project FEEIT Project Leader Project Programme Project duration
IoT SOLTRACK: IoT for mobile solar photovoltaic tracking Assist. prof. d-r Vladimir Gjorgievski Smart4All
Cross-Domain Technology Transfer Experiment (CTTE)
01.04.2023 – 31.12.2023
From theory to problem solving: Promoting mathematics in academic
studies in North Macedonia
Assoc. prof. d-r Sanja Atanasova International Mathematical Union, CDC 01.07.2022 -30.06.2023
Widening Research on Pervasive and eHealth – WeHealth Assoc. prof. d-r Hristijan Gjoreski H2020-WIDESPREAD-05-2020: Twinning 01.01.2021 –
UbiLAB A ubiquitous virtual laboratory framework Prof. d-r Marija Kalendar Erasmus + KA2,2020 2021 – 2023
Advancing machine learning in vocational education Assoc. Prof. d-r Branislav Gerazov Erasmus + 2020 – 2023
Cross Border management of veriable renewable energies and storage unit enabling transnational wholesalemarket- CROSBOW Prof. d-r Vesna Borozan HORIZON – 2020 01.11.2017-31.03.2022
DAAD Project: High Education Dialog: West Balkan, Common Values Competencies and Sustainable Development Prof. d-r Goran Rafajlovski DAAD, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Germany 2020
Innovative teaching approaches in development of software designed Instrumentation and its application in real-time systems Prof. d-r Zhivko Kokolanski Erasmus+ KA203 30.11.2019
Wireless Powered Communication Networks Prof. d-r Zoran Hadzi-Velkov Linkage Program, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 31.12.2019
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) Integrated for Automatic Mine detection Prof. d-r Venceslav Kafedziski NATO 07.11.2016-07.11.2019
Enhancing storage integrstion in building with Photovoltaics – PV-ESTIA Prof. d-r Marija Kacarska European Commission – IPA 27.07.2017-27.07.2019
Virtual Machatronics Laboratory – ViMeLa Prof. d-r Goga Cvetkovski ЕRASMUS+ 01.11.2017-31.10.2019
TowaRd market-based skills for sustAINable Energy Efficient construction(TRAINEE) Prof. d-r Hristina Spasevska HORIZON – 2020 01.05.2018-31.10.2020
Flash Crowds management via Virtualized Network Resources – FALCON Prof. d-r Liljana Gavrilovska NATO 10.10.2017-10.04.2020
Development of sensors system for real time monitoring and leakage reduction in water distribution network – SmartWaterSave Prof. d-r Mile Stankovski IPA 01.07.2018-30.06.2020
Microelectronics Cloud Alliance – MECA Prof. d-r Mile Stankovski ERAZMUS+ 01.01.2016-31.12.2018
ER-SEE: Enhancing research and development of energy-efficient networked sensor systems in South-Eastern Europe Prof. d-r Liljana Gavrilovska SCOPES 2015-2018
DDEMS – Development of Digital Evidence Management System (Norway Ministry of FA) Prof. d-r Aleksandar Risteski Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2017
Technical assistance for implementation of the third energy package compliant legislation in the Republic of Macedonia Prof. d-r Rubin Taleski Norway 2015-2017
Meeting of Energy Professional Skills (MEns) Prof. d-r Vlastimir Glamochanin EC H2020 2015-2017
Technical assistance for institutional framework for establishing national/regional power exchange Prof. d-r Rubin Taleski Norway 2013-2017
SCOPES Project on Speech Prosody Prof. d-r Zoran Ivanovski SNF 2014-2016
BUILD UP Skills-Builders’ Energy Efficiency Training Prof. d-r Hristina Spasevska EC – Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises 2014-2016
eWall – for Active Long Living Prof. d-r Liljana Gavrilovska EC FP7 2013-2016
Optimization and Rational use of Wireless Communication Bands (ORCA Sfp-984409) Prof. d-r Liljana Gavrilovska NATO SPS 2013-2015
Skills development for young researches and educational personal in the area of nano and micro-electronics: Implementation of methods for bilateral transfer of knowledge between universities and small and medium enterprises Prof. d-r Mile Stankovski (SCOPES проект) 2011-2014
ACROPOLIS – Advanced coexistence technologies for radio optimisation in licensed and unlicensed spectrum Prof. d-r Liljana Gavrilovska FP7 2010-2013
Research in super-resolution Prof. d-r Zoran Ivanovski Texas Instruments Inc. 2012
QUASAR QUantitative Assessment of Secondary Spectrum Access Prof. d-r Liljana Gavrilovska FP7 2010-2012
SEE-ERA.NET, TVHAPQA – Algorithms for time-varying harmonic analysis for power quality assessment applicable on modern digital signal processors Prof. d-r Dimitar Tashkovski SEE-ERA.NET Plus 2010-2012
EETSOC – South Eastern Europe TSO Challenges Prof. d-r Rubin Taleski EC FP7 2010-2012
PhD Program in Metrology Prof. d-r Ljupcho Arsov TEMPUS 2009-2012
Promoting ICT cooperation opportunities and policy dialogue with the Western Balkan Countries _ICT_WEB_PROMS Prof. d-r Aneta Buchkovska 2009-2010
Embedded System Design Prof. d-r Josif Kjosev DAAD 2009-2010
Adaptive Reconfigurable Access and Generic interfaces for Optimisation in Radio Networks – ARAGORN Prof. d-r Liljana Gavrilovska EC FP7 2008-2010
Promote, Mobilize, Reinforce and Integrate Wireless Sensor Networking Researchers:Towards Pervasive Networking of WBC and EU-Prosense Prof. d-r Liljana Gavrilovska EC FP7 2008-2010
MORE MICROGRIDS – Advanced Architectures and Control Concepts for More Microgrids Prof. d-r Rubin Taleski EC FP6 2006-2009