Biometrics and Video Surveillance

Последна измена: March 30, 2021

Course: Biometrics and Video Surveillance


ECTS points: 6 ECTS

Number of classes per week: 3+0+0+3

LecturerProf. Dr. Dimitar Taskovski

Course Goals (acquired competencies): By successfully completing the course, student will be able to: еxplain the concepts of biometric and video surveillance models shown in the course, to assess the suitability of certain models for a given scenario, to use the biometric components of a given system  and the video for achieving a certain security objective, to assess the potential constraints of elements in a given system, to design biometric and video solutions for a given application scenario, to be able to express the results of the research in a clear and precise way.

Course Syllabus: Introduction to biometrics. Biometric systems based on  fingerprint recognition. Biometric systems based on iris recognition. Face identi cation and localization in images. Retina recognition methods. Human identification based on gait. Fusion in biometrics (multibiometrics). New trends in biometrics. Video surveillance – introduction. Video acquisition systems and video quality improvement. Motion detection techniques and object tracking. Recognition humans and their activities in video. Intelligent surveillance techniques.


Required Literature







John D. Woodward Jr., et al Biometrics McGrow-Hill Osborne Media 2002


A. K. Jain, P. Flynn, A. Ross, Handbook of Biometrics Springer, 2007