
Објавено: June 28, 2022
1. Course Title Electronics
2. Code 4ФЕИТ05З017
3. Study program ТКИИ,КТИ,ЕЕС,ЕЕПМ,ЕАОИЕ
4. Organizer of the study program (unit, institute, department) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
5. Degree (first, second, third cycle) First cycle
6. Academic year/semester II/3 7. Number of ECTS credits 6
8. Lecturer D-r Tomislav Kartalov, D-r Andrijana Kuhar
9. Course Prerequisites
Passed: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Taken course: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
10. Course Goals (acquired competencies): The student has a fundamental base of engineering knowledge in electronics and a general overview of the field of electronics. Understands technical documentation related to electronic components and assemblies. Can independently upgrade the knowledge of electronics according to professional needs. Competently communicates with electronics specialists when specifying technical requirements for electronic equipment.
11. Course Syllabus: 1. Introduction, general information, semiconductors.
2. Diode, circuits with ideal diodes. Types of diodes and their application.
3. Bipolar transistor, characteristics and principles of operation, operation regions.
4. Thyristor, principles of operation. Diac, triac. MOSFET, characteristics and principle of operation. Operation regions.
5. Rectifiers. Types of rectifiers. Stabilizers. Thyristor operated rectifiers.
6. Amplifiers: basic concepts, amplifier parameters, polarization, small versus large signals. Transistor and MOSFET amplifiers.
7. Frequency dependence of the amplification.
8. Partial exams week.
9. Direct coupling and negative feedback amplifiers.
10. Operational amplifiers. Basic concepts, basic circuits and their application.
11. Oscillators, basic concepts and examples.
12. Linear shaping of signals. Nonlinear signal shaping.
13. Digital electronics: Boolean algebra, logic circuits, combination networks. Sequential networks. Counters.
14. A / D and D / A converters. Digital systems.
15. Partial exams week.
12. Learning methods: Lectures, auditory exercises, laboratory exercises, homeworks.
13. Total number of course hours 2 + 2 + 1 + 0
14. Distribution of course hours 180
15. Forms of teaching 15.1. Lectures-theoretical teaching 30
15.2. Exercises (laboratory, practice classes), seminars, teamwork 45
16. Other course activities 16.1. Projects, seminar papers 0
16.2. Individual tasks 15
16.3. Homework and self-learning 90
17. Grading 17.1. Exams 0
17.2. Seminar work/project (presentation: written and oral) 0
17.3. Activity and participation 20
17.4. Final exam 80
18. Grading criteria (points) up to 50 points 5 (five) (F)
from 51to 60 points 6 (six) (E)
from 61to 70 points 7 (seven) (D)
from 71to 80 points 8 (eight) (C)
from 81to 90 points 9 (nine) (B)
from 91to 100 points 10 (ten) (A)
19. Conditions for acquiring teacher’s signature and for taking final exam Made laboratory exercises.
20. Forms of assessment During the semester, two partial written exams are provided (at the middle and at the end of the semester, lasting 90 minutes), which include tasks with given numerical values ​​and theoretical questions. Alternatively, a written full exam (duration 120 minutes) is taken in the exam sessions.
Students who pass the partial exams, or the full exam, receive a final grade for passing the course. The final grade includes the points from the partial exams (or the full exam), as well as the points from the activity and continuous learning (attendance and activity of classes and laboratory exercises).
It is not allowed to use books, scripts, manuscripts or notes of any kind, mobile phone, tablet or any other electronic device during the exam, other than a calculator. It is allowed to use pencils, pens, markers, crayons, in all colors except red. The use of erasers, correctors, sharpeners, rulers, compasses, templates and other mechanical writing aids is permitted.
21. Language Macedonian and English
22. Method of monitoring of teaching quality Surveys, self-evaluation, conversations with students.
23. Literature
23.1. Required Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1 Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith Microelectronic Circuits – Sixth Edition Oxford University Press 2009
2 Metodija Kamilovski Electronics 1 – Electronic components FEEIT – Skopje 2005
23.2. Additional Literature
No. Author Title Publisher Year
1 Howe, R. T., C. G. Sodini Microelectronics: An Integrated Approach. Prentice Hall 1996