STUDY PROGRAM: 7- Dedicated Computer Systems Duration: 1 year ECTS points: 60 ECTS Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies in the field of Dedicated computer systems Dedicated and Embedded computer systems are a combination of hardware and software, designed to control a device, a process or a complete system. Specific examples of such systems include: control of almost all systems in cars, control of the operation of car engines, autopilot, navigation systems and aircraft management systems, chipsets for digital TVs, chips for communications devices, ambient devices, control systems in nuclear reactors, etc. The importance of these systems grows continuously. For example, in 2010 there were in practical use over 16 billion such devices in the world, and forecasts predict that the number of these devices is expected to double by 2014. In other words, for every inhabitant of the planet there would be 3-4 of these devices. Significant is the increased use of such systems in the automotive industry, where the percentage of participation of the dedicated processor systems in the total value of the car is expected to grow by 45-50% in the 2013th. These challenges can be successfully monitored and applied only by producing new generations of students, educated in the field of dedicated computer systems. In addition to the existence of such a study program, the total market in this area in 2010 was approximately U.S. $ 20 billion, with growth of 10-15% annually. The second cycle of studies in Dedicated computer systems aims to educate top executives in the field of design, implementation and application of complete hardware and software dedicated systems in all possible areas of application. The staff that will arise from here, will be equally qualified on global level, and in certain aspects will dominate. Upon completion of this degree program candidates will be able to:
Semester 2
Mandatory courses
No of classes per week
Total necessary time (hour)
Research Project in the Field of Dedicated Computer Systems
Master’s Thesis
Dedicated Computer Systems