Metrology and Quality Management


STUDY PROGRAM: 15- Metrology and Quality Management

Duration: 1 year

ECTS points: 60 ECTS

Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies in the field of Metrology and Quality Management

The objectives of this study program is to educate masters of sciences in the field of metrology and quality management who will be capable to work in: different companies from industry, companies from power sector, industrial and scientific laboratories where precise measurements are important factor in the production, companies which are selling and servicing measurement equipment and instrumentation, in the laboratories which are part of metrological infrastructure of Republic of Macedonia, as well as all others companies where measurements and measurement systems are part of their production process. The study program produce engineers who can work in different sectors and industries, where metrology is pillar for their sucesfull development.

The future master’s can work also in scientific institutions and universities, research centers, different laboratories, etc.

Mandatory courses
Code Title ECTS No of classes per week Total necessary time (hour)
3ФЕИТ03006 Uncertainty in Measurement and Calibration 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ03011 Principles of Metrology and Quality Management 6 3+0+0+3 180
Elective course 1 6 3+0+0+3 180
Elective course 2 6 3+0+0+3 180
Elective course 3 6 3+0+0+3 180
Total 30 15+0+0+15 900
Elective courses
Code Title ECTS No of classes per week Total necessary time (hour)
3ФЕИТ05006 Digital Signal Processing 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ03001 Legal and Industrial Metrology 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ03002 Computer-based Measurement Systems and virtual instrumentation 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ03003 Computer and Numerical Methods in Metroogy 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ03004 Quality Control 6 3+0+0+1 180
3ФЕИТ03007 Measurements in Power Systems 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ03008 Measurement and Control Systems 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08014 Methods and Instrumentation for Quantitative Analysis of Materials 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ03009 Environmental Monitoring 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08017 Nanomaterials and Nanostructures 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08018 Nanometrology and Standardization 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08022 Quality Assurance in Radiation Dosimetry 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ03010 Signal Processing and Measurement Transmission 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ03012 Programmable Instrumentation 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ04016 Project Management 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ03014 Sensors and Measurement Transducers 6 3+0+0+3 180
3ФЕИТ08032 Techniques for Nondestructive Testing 6 3+0+0+3 180

Mandatory courses
Code Title ECTS No of classes per week Total necessary time (hour)
Master thesys 20 0+0+0+20 600
Elective courses
ФЕИТ15 Research project in the field of Metrology and Quality Management 6 0+0+0+6 180
Elective course from the UKIM list of available courses 4 2+0+0+2 120
Total 30 2+0+0+28 900