Software for Dedicated Computer Systems and Networks

Објавено: април 23, 2021

Course: Software for Dedicated Computer Systems and Networks

Code: 3ФЕИТ07020А

ECTS points: 6 ECTS

Number of classes per week: 3+0+0+3

LecturersDr Marija Kalendar

Course Goals (acquired competencies):Acquiring knowledge in Computer Networks in different environments and systems: airplanes, air traffic networks and network transport systems. Learning about up-to-date  computer network protocols and Gigabyte data transfer.

Course Syllabus: AirTraffic networkds. Networks in airplanes, civil and military. Networks for managing industrial transport. Network infrastructure for real time systems. Networks in transport and transport systems. Optical and wireless optical networks. Routing protocols: EIGRP, OSPF, PNNI, IS-IS, RIP, Reliable flooding; Hierarchical Routing; EGP, BGP-4, CIDR. Availability, Sustainability , Protection, fast routing; Quality of Service(QoS) QoS Specifications, traffic, characterization, basic principles; Scheduling QoS architectures; Reassured services; End-to-end adaptive applications, H.323 architecture OverQoS; Content delivery ; Traffic Engineering;  Designing routers for big data trafic;  Second generation network systems; Switch Fabric, Multi-Stage Fabrics; Routing, Port Mapping; Computations and connections;  Network processors: programmable networks; CAM and Ternary CAM IXP ; XScale Core processors; Microengines – RISC processors; Micro-engine  C compiler challenges with designing a modern commutators from Tera-bit; 100Tb/s optical router,  signed commutation and MPLS; MPLS; RSVP; Limited routing; Multicast; Multicast in LAN; IP Multicast architecture; IGMP; Multicast on application level.


   Required Literature
Author Title  
Elecia White Making embedded systems: design patterns for great software  
W. Richard Stevens UNIX Network Programming, Volume 2: Interprocess Communications, 2nd Ed  
W. R. Stevens, Garry Wright TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 & 2