Legislation in the area of environment

Последна измена: февруари 2, 2022

Course Title: Legislation in the area of environment

Code : ФЕИТ06013

ECTS points: 6 ECTS

Number of classes per week3+0+0+3

Lecturer: Asst. Prof. Dr Blagoja Markovski

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Knowledge and application of regulations in the field of environment and non-ionizing radiation on an international and national level.

Subject of the course content: 

• International activities in the area of protection from exposure to electromagnetic fields with low and high frequencies. ICNIRP guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields in the frequency range up to 300 GHz. Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 1999/519/EC and 2004/40/EC. CENELEC regulations ENV 50166-1 и ENV 50166-2. IEEE standard C95.1-1991. ANSI standards. IEC 61566 standard for measurement of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields exposure. IEEE C95.3-1991 for measurement of potentially harmful electromagnetic fields.

• Kyoto Protocol.

• Sustainable production and consumption. Integrated Product policy of the European Union. The three pillars of sustainability: environment, social and economic. Brief introduction to environmental assessment and management of companies: EMAS Regulation, IPPC Directive, etc.

• Environmental assessments of products: Life Cycle assessments and other simplified techniques (ISO 14040 series).

• Legislation (laws, strategies and similar documents) in the area of environment and non-ionizing radiation in our and neighbouring countries.


Required Literature
1.C. MarshamThe guide to the EMC Directive 89/336/EECIEEE Press1996
2.ICNIRPUse of the ICNIRP EMF GuidelinesICNIRP Statement1999
3.United NationsKyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeUnited Nations1998