Dedicated Embedded Computer Systems and Internet of Things

ObjectivesIIIDouble degree possibility

STUDY PROGRAM: 23 – Dedicated Embedded Computer Systems and Internet of Things

Duration: 1 year

ECTS points: 60 ECTS

Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies in the field of Dedicated Embedded Computer Systems and IoT

If the Internet was a revolution, today we could safely conclude that it was just the beginning. Today the physical world is being completely re-invented and every industry is being affected. Living in the era of technology and daily technology improvements, learning about modern devices and complete hardware software systems of today that are usually dedicated to solving everyday, no matter how big or small, problems of humanity, is an extremely hot topic. We are getting used very quickly to small useful amenities not existing in our lives just several years ago. All of this is being provided by special devices or things that are making the lives of human beings easier and faster. They could be versions of common objects surrounding us, or new and purpose-built devices for functions not yet realized. So, building such purpose-built (dedicated) devices is the first focus of the proposed study program. On the other hand, a vast amount of these devices are being able to serve their purpose only if they have a way to gather and send data somewhere for  processing, presenting information, making decisions, as well as doing something. This is where the second focus of the proposed study program comes into place – communication.

If the Internet was a revolution, today we could safely conclude that it was just the beginning. Today the physical world is being completely re-invented and every industry is being affected. Living in the era of technology and daily technology improvements, learning about modern devices and complete hardware software systems of today that are usually dedicated to solving everyday, no matter how big or small, problems of humanity, is an extremely hot topic. We are getting used very quickly to small useful amenities not existing in our lives just several years ago. All of this is being provided by special devices or things that are making the lives of human beings easier and faster. They could be versions of common objects surrounding us, or new and purpose-built devices for functions not yet realized. So, building such purpose-built (dedicated) devices is the first focus of the proposed study program. On the other hand, a vast amount of these devices are being able to serve their purpose only if they have a way to gather and send data somewhere for  processing, presenting information, making decisions, as well as doing something. This is where the second focus of the proposed study program comes into place – communication.

Mandatory courses
Code Title ECTS No of classes per week Total necessary time (hours)
4ФЕИТ07017A Techniques for Designing Dedicated computer systems 6 3+3 180
4ФЕИТ07009A Advanced Operating Systems Concepts 6 3+3 180
Elective course 1 6 3+3 180
Elective course 2 6 3+3 180
Elective course 3 6 3+3 180
Total 30 900
Elective courses
Code Title ECTS No of classes per week Total
time (hour
4ФЕИТ07003A Wireless Technologies and Networks for Internet of Things 6 3+3 180
4ФЕИТ07006A System Design Concepts for the Internet of Things 6 3+3 180
4ФЕИТ07007A Dedicated and contemporary computer networks 6 3+3 180
4ФЕИТ10020А Design of Smart IoT Devices 6 3+3 180
4ФЕИТ07002А Security and reliability of computer
communication systems
6 3+3 180
4ФЕИТ07005А Internet of Things 6 3+3 180
4ФЕИТ07016А IoT Standards and Protocols 6 3+3 180
4ФЕИТ07001A Ambient Intelligence and Smart Devices 6 3+3 180
4ФЕИТ07012A Data Science and Machine Learning 6 3+3 180
4ФЕИТ12006A Dedicated Processors 6 3+3 180

Mandatory courses
Code Title ECTS Number of classes per week Total necessary time (hours)
ФЕИТ00А Master thesis 20 0+0+0+20 600
Elective courses
ФЕИТ23А Research project in the field of Dedicated Embedded Computer Systems and IoT 6 0+0+0+6 180
Elective course from the UKIM list of available courses 4 2+0+0+2 120
Total 30 2+0+0+28 900
Suggested elective courses from the UKIM list
ФЕИТ201А Innovation and Transfer of Technologies 4 2+0+0+2 120
ФЕИТ202А Strategic Planning for Telecom and Internet Innovations 4 2+0+0+2 120
ФЕИТ203А Applied Support Schemes for Renewables and Energy Efficiency 4 2+0+0+2 120


According to the several years long cooperation between the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and IT from the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje and the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Germany, this Master study program being submitted for accreditation in R. Macedonia, has been devised according to mutual interests, comprising study, research and industry cooperation. Thus, prospective students at this Master Study Program at FEEIT could qualify for earning a Double Degree according to European practices and laws. In order for the Double Degree mechanism to be set in place, a separate bilateral Agreement for development and realization of the Double Degree program has to be agreed upon and signed between the Rectors of both Universities.

In order to qualify for a Double Degree, students have to fulfill both requirements: spend one semester abroad at HSA (or UKIM/FEEIT for students enrolled at HSA, Germany) earning 30 ECTS CP; and defend their Master Thesis in front of a joint defense committee comprising of one supervisor from each side. The theme for the research work on the Master Thesis has to be approved by coordinators of the Double Degree Program in each of the Universities, appointed by the bilateral Agreement between the Universities. An individual student is provided with an appointed supervisor for the final qualification paper in each of the Universities, and the Committee for defense of the Master Thesis has to comprise both supervisors. The procedure for Master Thesis registration and approval from all relevant University bodies has to be fulfilled according to local rules on both sides.

Graduates of the Double Degree Program must defend their final qualification paper (Master Thesis) in each of the Universities, or alternatively a videoconference can be used to manage the joint work of the evaluation commission in both Universities. The Master Thesis has to be written and defended in English language.

Failing to accomplish any of these requirements, the students enrolled at each side that fulfill local prerequisites and manage to successfully defend their Master Thesis would qualify only for local Master Degree and Certificate.

Table 1 – Proposed Structure of study for UKIM / FEEIT Students

Structure of Study for UKIM / FEEIT students
Semester 1 (8th semester)

UKIM / FEEIT students get 30 ECTS CP recognized at HSA from their undergraduate studies

Semester 2 (9th semester)

UKIM / FEEIT students study abroad at HSA and earn 30 ECTS CP

(joint semester – both groups of students study at HSA)

30 30
Semester 3 (10th semester)

UKIM / FEEIT students study at home at FEEIT and earn 30 ECTS CP

(including the joint Master Thesis)

30 30

for HSA



Structure of study

Having in mind the nature of Double Degree study programs, and the different organization of Undergraduate and Master Study programs at HSA and UKIM/FEEIT, in order for the students to be able to earn the necessary ECTS credit points and qualify for the Master Diploma at both sides, the studies would have to comply to the following rules.

To qualify for a Master Degree, the students studying at HSA have to earn 90 ECTS credit points (equivalent to three semesters), while at UKIM/FEEIT the students have to earn 60 ECTS credit points (CP) (equivalent to two semesters) and can enroll at the Master Study Program (9th semester) only if they have already earned 240 ECTS CP.

We have considered mobility of students both ways, and the proposed structure of study for UKIM / FEEIT students is presented in Table 3, while the proposed structure of study for HSA students is presented in Table 4.

Table 2 – Proposed Structure of study for HSA Students

Structure of Study for HSA students
Semester 1 (8th semester)

HSA students study at home at HSA and earn 30 ECTS CP

Semester 2 (9th semester)

HSA students study at home at HSA and earn 30 ECTS CP

(joint semester – both groups of students study at HSA)

30 30
Semester 3 (10th semester)

HSA students study abroad at FEEIT and earn 30 ECTS CP

(including the joint Master Thesis)

30 30

for HSA