Тентов Аристотел

toto@feit.ukim.edu.mk |
- Doctorate: Ph.D. Computer Science, July 1994 (University “St. Kiril i Metodij”, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia)
- Masters: M.S. Computer Science, June 1989 (University “St. Kiril i Metodij”, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Skopje, Yugoslavia)
- Bachelors: B.S.E.E. July 1983 (University “St. Kiril i Metodij”, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Skopje, Yugoslavia, from 1978 to 1983)
Работно искуство:
Present Occupation: Full Professor at University “St. Kiril i Metodij” in Skopje, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Department, Skopje, Macedonia
Sep 1999-2004 Associate Professor at University “St. Kiril i Metodij”, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Department, Skopje, Macedonia
Sep 1994-1999 Assistant Professor at University “St. Kiril i Metodij”, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Department, Skopje, Macedonia
Sep 1990-1994 Teaching and Research Assistant at University “St. Kiril i Metodij”, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Department, Skopje, Macedonia
Sep 1985-1990 Research Assistant at University “St. Kiril i Metodij”, Mining Institute, Process Control Department, Skopje, Macedonia
Nov 1983-1985 Project Engineer at “Makmetal Engineering, Co.”, Skopje, Macedonia
Dr. Tentov is engaged in several research areas:
• Computer Architectures;
• Processor Architectures and Organization;
• Wired, wireless, mobile networking;
• Mission critical systems and networks;
• Avionics;
• Multiprocessor and Multicore Systems;
• Embedded systems;
• High Performance Computing;
• System-on-chip, Network-on-Chip;
• Performance Evaluation and Modeling;
• RFID devices and environments;
• Process Control;
• Design of Integrated Circuits;
• Modelling, Simulation and System Performance Evaluation.
Publication of Engineering or Scientific Papers
Dr Aristotel Tentov published as an author or as a coauthor more than 20 scientific papers on conferences, symposiums and journals. Beside that, he was an author or a coauthor on more than 20 technical reports or projects.
1. A. Grnarov, A. Karadimche, S. Stankovich, and A. Tentov: “Logic Controller for Zinc Casting Machine”, Proceeding of I ETAI Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia, October 1983
2. A. Grnarov, A. Karadimche, S. Stankovich, and A. Tentov: “Design of Block LOGIC for Zinc Casting Machine”, Proceedings of XXVIII Yugoslavian Conference of ETAN, Split, Yugoslavia, June 1984
3. A. Grnarov, A. Tentov, and A. Efremov: “Measuring and Control System for Zinc Oxide Production”, Proceedings of II ETAI Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia, October 1985
4. M. Gushev, A. Grnarov, A. Efremov, and A. Tentov: “Supervisory Software Package for Zinc Oxide Production”, Proceedings of II ETAI Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia, October 1985
5. H. Arsov, K. Gosheva, and A. Tentov: “Management and Control of Steel Production in Oxygen Converter”, Proceedings of VIII Conference for Automatization in Steel Metallurgy, Nikshich, Yugoslavia, October 1987
6. A. Tentov: “Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Local Area Networks”, MSc Thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia, June 1989
7. A. Tentov, and A. Grnarov: “Efficient Algorithm for Data Flow Control in Double Loop Networks”, Proceedings of III ETAI Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia, October 1989
8. A. Tentov, and A. Grnarov: “Flow Control Algorithm for Double Loop Networks”, Proceedings of XXXIV Yugoslavian Conference of ETAN, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, June 1990
9. A. Tentov, and A. Grnarov: “Double Loop Networks Modelling”, Proceeding of XV Symposium for Information Technologies, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, March 1991
10. A. Tentov, and A. Grnarov: “General Model of Double Loop Networks”, Proceedings of XXXV Yugoslavian Conference of ETAN, Ohrid, June 1991 – This paper receive special commendation as the best paper in this field at the conference.
11. A. Grnarov, A. Tentov, J. Makraduli, and D. Andonov: “Universal Communication Processor for Distributed Computer Systems”, Proceedings of XXXVI Yugoslavian Conference of ETAN, Kopaonik 1992
12. A. Tentov, and A. Grnarov: “Performance Analysis of Synchronous Multibuffered Packet-Switching Networks”, Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Vol. 38, Numbers 1-5, Special Volume: Proceedings EUROMICRO 93, Barcelona, Spain, September 1993
13. A. Tentov, J. Makraduli, and A. Grnarov: “Modification of Universal Communication Processor and Implementation in VLSI Switches”, Proceedings of IV ETAI Conference, Ohrid, September 1993
14. A. Tentov: “Performance Modeling of Acyclic Programs in Multiprocessor Systems”, Proceedings of IV ETAI Conference, Ohrid, September 1993
15. A. Tentov, and A. Grnarov: “Performance Analysis of Multibuffered Packet Switching”, Proceedings of III International Conference on Systems Integration ICSI’94, San Paulo, Brazil, August 1994
16. A. Tentov, and A. Grnarov: “Analysis of Acyclic Program Behaviour in Multiprocessor Systems”, Proceedings of XX International Conference EUROMICRO 94, Liverpool, Great Britain, September 1994
17. A. Tentov: “General Model of Interconnection Networks and Programs with Acyclic Structure in Multiprocessor Systems”, PhD thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Department, Skopje, July 1994
18. A. Tentov, and A. Grnarov: “Acyclic Program Behaviour in Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems”, Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on MODELLING AND SIMULATION, Colombo, Sri Lanka, July 1995
19. A. Tentov, and A. Grnarov: “Performance Analysis of Packet Switching Interconnection Networks with Finite Buffers”, Proc. of 22nd EUROMICRO Conference, Prague, September 1996
20. A. Tentov and A.Grnarov: “Performance Analysis of ATM Switches with Multistage Packet Switching Interconnection Networks”, 21st LCN Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota U.S.A., October 13-16, 1996
21. A. Tentov: “Performance Analysis of ATM Switches with Multistage Multipath Packet Switching Interconnection Networks”, Proc. of 22nd Annual IEEE Conference on Computer Networks, LCN’97, Minneapolis, Minnesota U.S.A., November 2-5, 1997
22. Z. Slatinoski, A. Tentov, 2000, “Quality of Service – ATM and TCP characteristics and performances”, Proceedings of ETAI’2000, Vth national conference with international participation, 21-23 September 2000, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, pp. TI-7 – TI-12
23. Slatinoski, Zoran D., Tentov, Aristotel M., 2001, “Performance Modeling of Tahoe and Vegas Implementations of TCP”, Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, July 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 564-571
24. Zoran Slatinoski, Aristotel Tentov, 2001, “Performance Modeling of Different implementations of TCP”, Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems, SPECTS 2001, July 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 321-326
25. Z. Slatinoski, A. Tentov, 2001, “TCP Tahoe and Vegas Performance Modeling”, Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS XVI, November 2001, Antalya, Turkey, pp. 56-63
List of engineering activities and papers
1. Design, manufacturing and installation of logic controller for zinc casting machine in zinc and lead smelter “Zletovo” in Titov Veles, Macedonia. Controller is installed in zinc rafinery in 1982.
2. Design and manufacturing of electronic regulator for bus heaters. Regulator is manufactured for bus factory “11 October” during 1984.
3. Main project of measuring and control system for zinc oxide production. Project is delivered to zinc and lead smelter “Zletovo” in 1984.
4. Main project for direct digital control of zinc oxide production process. Project is delivered to “Makmetal engineering, Co.” in 1986.
5. Executive project of measuring and control system for zinc oxide production. Project is delivered to zinc and lead smelter “Zletovo” in 1986.
6. Study for direct lead smelting (part for process measuring and control). This study is delivered to Lead and zinc mines “Zletovo” in Probishtip during 1986.
7. Main project of measuring and control system of the plant for secondary lead production and refining. Documentation is delivered to Factory for batteries “Zletovo” in Probishtip, during 1987.
8. Project for static control of steel production process in oxygen converters. Documentation and necessary software package are both delivered to the Institute of mining and metallurgy in Skopje, during 1987.
9. Study for information system building in Lead and zinc mines “Zletovo” in Probishtip. Documentation is delivered in 1988.
10. Project of the system intended to limit the maximum load of used electrical energy in Lead and zinc mines “Zletovo” in Probishtip. Documentation is delivered in 1988.
11. Information system study for Pension and Invalid Security Fund. Documentation is delivered in 1988.
12. Main project of the control system for aluminum roundelays production process. Documentation is delivered in 1988.
13. Project of university’s computer network, which is finished in 1991 and this network is now functioning.
14. Military project, “Design of V-th Generation Fighter for JNA – avionics: integrating various radar systems (navigation, fire, etc.) with rest of electronic systems”, break up in 1991
15. Main project of the information system for the Zinc and lead smelter “Zletovo” in Titov Veles. Documentation is delivered in 1991.
16. Computer communication network of the state information system. Documentation is delivered in 1992.
17. International research project, “Mission Critical Systems”, Ministry of Sciences of the R. Macedonia, 1998-2003,
18. European Commission’s European Survey of Information Society – II, EU Commission project, consultant of the Oxford University, 1999 – 2001
19. HeliNet – Network of Stratospheric Platforms, 5th EU Framework project, phase Design of Computer-Communication Network Architecture, January-September 2001
20. Project: “Deciphering the middle text of the Rosetta Stone”, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2003-2005 –
* In each of the previous project Aristotel Tentov has been involved as project engineer or as project leader.