6th Workshop on Graph Theory and Applied Mathematics

Последна измена: September 15, 2022

FEEIT and Macedonian Society of Graph Theorists  (MSGT) in the period from 13.08.2022 to 17.08.2022, co-organized the  6th  Macedonian workshop on graph theory and applied mathematics in Ohrid. The aim of this annual workshop  is to popularize discrete mathematics in Macedonia. This year, the invited speakers  were Martin Knor (Slovakia), Peter Dankelmann (South African Republic), and Justin Z Schroeder...

Successfully completed scientific research project “Electromagnetic modeling of transient phenomena in large systems”

Објавено: September 12, 2022

On 16.6.2022, the research team of FEEIT has successfully completed the scientific research project “Electromagnetic modeling of transient phenomena in large systems”, financed by the integrative funds of UKIM for 2020/2021. The research work in the project is a continuation of the long-term research of a part of the project team, which was aimed at...

WideHealth Newsletter #2

Објавено: August 4, 2022

The European project WideHealth, coordinated by FEEIT/UKIM, has successfully published its 2nd newsletter. In this WideHealth newsletter the project is sharing the details of the WideHealth Summer School on Human Factors in Pervasive Health held in Lisbon 11th-15h July 2022. The newsletter also shares information about other upcoming events (co)organized by the WideHealth project. In...

FEEIT Ranking Among the Best European Faculties with International Accreditation

Последна измена: July 21, 2022

  FEEIT with its seven student programs is the first and only higher-education institution in the country with international accreditation. The international accreditation of the study programs has been granted on the part of ASIN – German agency for accreditation of study programs in the field of technical sciences, information technology, natural sciences and mathematics....

Call for SME-driven prototypes by INNOFEIT DIH

Последна измена: July 19, 2022

INNOFEIT DIH launches an open call for joint development of prototypes in the area of Internet-of-Things (IoT) with interested SMEs. The focus is on enhancing the level of cooperation between the DIH and the SMEs towards development of novel and innovative solutions that can be subsequently commercialized. INNOFEIT DIH is co-financed by the Fund for...


Објавено: June 23, 2022

The conference LEOS2022 (Summer Symposium on Electronics and Signal Processing 2022) will be held on June 24 and 25 in Hotel Panorama in Krushevo. This year, the Institute of Electronics organizes this conference in honor of three of our colleagues who celebrate 75 years of life and work, they are prof. Sofija Bogdanova, prof. Ljupcho...

INNOFEIT recognized as a certified DIH within the CHANGE2TWIN project

Објавено: June 21, 2022

INNOFEIT DIH has been certified within the EU H2020 CHANGE2TWIN project for guiding companies that aim to deploy Digital Twin solutions. The concept of Digital Twin is one of the big game-changers in manufacturing and allows companies to significantly increase their global competitiveness. Currently, the 2nd Open Call of the CHANGE2TWIN project solicits applications from...

WideHealth Summer School on Human Factors in Pervasive Health

Објавено: June 17, 2022

Within the European project WideHealth – coordinated by FEEIT/UKIM, a thematic Summer School will be organized: “WideHealth Summer School on Human Factors in Pervasive Health” . The school will be co-organized by FEEIT/UKIM, and will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, as a hybrid – with physical presence and online – from 11 to 15 July 2022. The school will be...

A series of lectures on biomedical engineering supported by DIH INOFEIT and IEEE

Објавено: June 3, 2022

On May 27, 2022 a series of lectures on biomedical engineering was held at INOFEIT. The lectures were held within the activities of the course Biomedical Electronics and were supported by the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) INOFEIT and the Macedonian section of the IEEE through its departments: the Joint Signal Processing and Engineering Department in Medicine...

FEEIT received a donation from Loging Electronics of equipment for Biomedical Engineering and Electronics

Објавено: May 30, 2022

Loging Electronics donated equipment for biomedical engineering and electronics to the Electronics Laboratory at the Institute for Electronics  at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEEIT). As part of its longterm cooperation, for the needs of students and staff at FEEIT, Loging provided 12 kits for measuring Electromyogram (EMG), Electrocardiogram (EKG), Photoplethysmogram (PPG),...

Promotion of Cboard – an application that gives a voice to every child

Објавено: May 25, 2022

UNICEF and its partners the Association for Assistive Technology “Open the Windows” and the Speech Group from FEEIT, promoted the digital application for augmented and alternative communication Cboard, which they have localised for use in Macedonian and Albanian, and for which they have created a new voice for speech synthesis in Macedonian – the female voice...

Third Workshop for Embedded Microprocessor Systems within the Framework of the Project ‘Technology for You”

Последна измена: May 30, 2022

The Faculty of  Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies  (FEEIT) and Loging Electronics have organized the third workshop for embedded microprocessors systems on 9th and 10th of May 20222. 30 students and 28 professors from nine technical high-schools in Macedonia took part at the event, which are as follows: SUGS ‘ Vlado Tasevski’ Skopje, SOU ‘Gjorche...

Infineon Technologies Austria organized a workshop at FEEIT

Објавено: May 10, 2022

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies from University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje was a host of a 2-day workshop “Infineon meets FEEIT” organized by Infineon Technologies Austria as part of the IPCEI on Microelectronics program. Infineon Technologies is a globally leading semiconductor player with more than 50.000 employees. They are leaders in...

SIEMENS and SisCon Have Donated Equipment to FEEIT

Објавено: May 6, 2022

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEEIT) has equipped the Laboratory of Relay Protection with digital state-of-the art equipment donated by SIEMENS, Austria and our local partner and distributor SisCon.  In order to make proper and best use of it, the Austrian producer has provided training for the trainers (professors and assistants) who...

Infineon meets FEEIT

Објавено: May 3, 2022

Thursday and Friday, 5 and 6 May 2022, at INNOFEIT Infineon is a globally leading semiconductor player with more than 50.000 employees. We are leading in automotive, power management energy efficient technologies and the IoT while Global megatrends underline the increasing importance of microelectronics. IPCEI Microelectronics is the largest pan-European initiative in the field of...

Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts appoints a FEEIT Professor as its Corresponding Member

Објавено: April 11, 2022

Our colleague, Prof. Dr. Zoran Hadzi-Velkov was elected a Corresponding Member of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts at the Electoral Assembly of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, held on March 30, 2022. Dr. Zoran Hadzi-Velkov is a full professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies in Skopje. He...

INNOFEIT DIH held its first workshop

Објавено: April 5, 2022

INNOFEIT DIH held its first workshop within the project “Capacity strengthening of the Digital Innovation Hub – INNOFEIT”, co-financed by the Fund for Innovations and Technology Development (FITD) of N. Macedonia. The goal of the workshop was to inform INNOFEIT’s partner network about current project activities on networking, international contacts, development of the digital web-platform...

International Winter School of Electronic Health

Објавено: February 14, 2022

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEEIT) is organizing a thematic school on ” e-Health and Pervasive Technologies”, within the European project WideHealth. The winter school will be attended by 133 participants from the country, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Nigeria, Peru, France and Japan. The International School will be organized as a hybrid...

INNOFEIT and MASIT signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to support the INNOFEIT Digital Innovation Hub (DIH)

Објавено: January 10, 2022

INNOFEIT and MASIT signed a memorandum of cooperation that allows MASIT members to use INNOFEIT DIH services in order to introduce novel tech solutions that ease their operation and boost their competitiveness. DIHs are innovation centers for digital innovations and one-stop shops offering technical expertise and prototyping facilities for interested companies. Ultimately, this should lead...

Big success of our former colleague prof. Marjan Popov  

Објавено: December 9, 2021

Prof. Dr Marjan Popov for his valuable contributions to science and society has been elevated to an IEEE Fellow for 2022. This is one of the highest recognitions within the international society of the electrical engineers. Over the past 17 years, prof. Popov has been conducting research in the field of protection of electrical grid....

INNOFEIT DIH and ITS Software Center Skopje signed a memorandum of cooperation

Објавено: November 5, 2021

INNOFEIT Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) signed a memorandum of cooperation with ITS Software Center Skopje (local subsidiary of Iskratel Slovenia, part of the S&T group Austria) within its activities for capacity enhancement and strengthening of the partner network. The memorandum opens the possibility to use Iskratel’s middleware platform for data acquisition and storage from various...

FEEIT visited by an expert team from SIEMENS

Објавено: October 15, 2021

On October 14, 2021, the Faculty was visited by an expert team from the world leader company in electrical and ICT sectors SIEMENS and Siskon – Skopje as an authorized representative in Macedonia. The goal is to continue the intensive cooperation with the faculty in donating equipment for various laboratories and for the educational and...